andy-portmen / native-client

Native Messaging component for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS that is written in NodeJS.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
727 stars 474 forks source link

Add support of browsers R3dfox, Luminafox, firefox ESR 32 bits, Supermium browser 32 bits, Zen browser, Thorium legacy browser 32 bits, catsxp browser 32 bits, yandex browser for windows 7 32 bits #133

Open trimechee opened 4 months ago

trimechee commented 4 months ago

Hello, I remember when I install Native Client, I remember seeing a message that registry entries have been added to chrome, firefox... but since my laptop broke down and I'm using my old laptop from 2012 32 bits windows 7, and chrome and firefox standard no longer support windows 7, we hope please that native client will add specific support for 32 bits web browsers that still compatible and frequently updated for windows 7 OS like firefox ESR 32 bits browser, catsxp browser 32 bits, yandex browser 32 bits, supermium browser 32 bts, thorium legacy browser 32 bits for windows 7 to avoid possible bugs and compatibility issues, thank you so much!


Yesterday i discovered 2 new exceptional browsers: R3dfox and Luminafox based on the latest version of firefox and intended for windows 7 32 bits !!

it's rare unique because even mozilla uses firefox esr for windows 7 os 32 bits and not the latest version of firefox, and we hope please Natice cleint support of these 2 browsers which I think will offer better compatibility with Open-in-vlc than compared to firefox esr 115, thank you very much !

trimechee commented 3 months ago

Update: Hello Mr @andy-portmen , how are you ? yesterday i discovered 2 new exceptional browsers: R3dfox and Luminafox based on the latest version of firefox and intended for windows 7 32 bits !!

it's rare unique because even mozilla uses firefox esr for windows 7 os 32 bits and not the latest version of firefox, and we hope please Natice cleint support of these 2 browsers which I think will offer better compatibility with Open-in-vlc than compared to firefox esr 115, thank you very much :)

andy-portmen commented 3 months ago

If you can install NodeJS, then you can use my new NPM package

trimechee commented 3 months ago

Great ! so, i said that I was ready to install Nodejs and that unfortunately, nodejs is no longer compatible with my wndows 7 os 32 bits and I asked you if it is enough to install nodejs 13 the latest version of nodejs compatible with windows 7 and you told me it is not necessary and that the emebd nodejs in Native client is enough .....

for the moment Open-in-vlc seems to works in thorium legacy and supermium and catsxp and yandex browsers , but I fear that there is not 100% compatibility if Native client does not modify the registry for these 32-bit web browsers for windows 7 ....

and so Mr Andy , you inform us there is the new Native-client-npm ! Great ! so Native-client-npm is compatible with windows 7 32 bits ? does new Native-client-npm is compatible with yandex and supermium and add modifications to all web browsers installed on our windows 7 32 bit please like supermium, thorium legacy, yandex.....?

I don't yet have Open-in-vlc in firefox esr and r3dfox or luminafox because I'm waiting for the new version for Firefox to add the spectacular referrer and userg agent string features like for the chromium version :)

I also found this program that has just been banned from github by microsoft but developers were able to back up a copy ..... this software claims that it can make softwares designed for windows 10 compatible with windows 7 ! what do you think please Mr @andy-portmen ? can this program can make Native client or Native-client-npm compatible with all my web browsers 32-bit windows 7 systems if Native-client-npm is not compatible wit windows 7 32-bit please ?

andy-portmen commented 3 months ago

for the moment Open-in-vlc seems to works in thorium legacy and supermium and catsxp and yandex browsers , but I fear that there is not 100% compatibility if Native client does not modify the registry for these 32-bit web browsers for windows 7

You can review how this extension writes on registery. It even works on Windows XP.

does new Native-client-npm is compatible with yandex

If you can install NodeJS (even old versions that still support ES6), then you can use it on all browsers based on Chromium or Firefox.

trimechee commented 3 months ago

Great! Thank you so much!

Yess i reviewed, I don't remember in the window displayed when I activated the new version of native client that the message displayed by Native client says that registry modifications have been added to supermium, catsxp, R3dfox, Luminafox.... .

the vital browsers for windows 7 32 bits laptop are supermium, thorium legacy, R3dfox, Luminafox, they are the most updates and compatible with windows 7 32 bits and even if Open-in-vlc works with these browsers, our dream to avoid everything. possible bug is please specefic support for this vital browsers and these browsers are even compatible with windows 10 and they keep support of manifest V2 = adblocker like ublock origin and maybe other extnsions remain strong and stronger that chrome manifest V3 extensions :)

andy-portmen commented 3 months ago

Here's a reworded version:

I am moving the "Open in VLC" extension to manifest v3. Managing two separate projects has become challenging, and updates are being resolved more quickly this way.

For this project, the NodeJS component can support 32-bit systems. However, the challenge lies in whether browser forks are keeping up with the latest builds of the original browsers.

trimechee commented 3 months ago

We understand, thank you very much!

Sorry if I understood correctly, the current version of our beloved Open-in-vlc for firefox is based on manifest V2 or V3? because Open-in-vlc for firefox works with the famous vidmoly platform one of the few platforms to still offer standard 480p video streams while in chrome, Open-in-vlc does not work with vidmoly, if the manfest V3 version for chrome causes the bug with vidmoly, I think it is worth keeping manfest V2 for firefox because it makes Open-in-vlc very powerful and the most useful and vital and ecological extension in the history of humanity!

I am testing with firefox esr and r3dfox and it works with vidmoly and another platform while it does not work if we use chrome! even cat catch for firefox and chrome fails to play vidmoly video (at first there is playback then if we try to play other videos, it doesn't work anymore)

for r3dfox (and luminafox) browsers, the developer and there is a strong community on the famous MSFN frum:

and r3dfox is developed by Eclipse Community

it doesn't matter if it's manifest v2 or v3 as long as it works, thank you very much for all your efforts!

i think having other alternatives and forks of firefox allows us to make ourselves independent and bypass some controversial decisions of mozilla, for example possibility of quarantining certain extensions.....

in any case currently Open-in-vlc works perfectly with r3dfox, thank you very much! r3dfox says he wants to stay as close as possible to stock firefox while making it compatible with older versions of windows os!

by doing some tests, I realize I changed in vlc the gnu tls settings encryption priority = fast....which caused bugs in the extension in firefox and I could not playback some videos.....I put the value back gnu tls = normal and the bug disappears and Open-in vlc works normally in firefox!

I also put the cache network value back to normal, I previously put it on 60 seconds.....

I will redo tests in chromium browsers by putting in vlc: gnu tls encryption priority = normal, if it does not work, I think to avoid from tiring analyzing the internals of chromium and fixing bugs, it is better to abandon the chrome version and focus only on the firefox version because firefox is more powerful and flexible than chrome and allows our beloved Open-in vlc to give its full potential and power on many platforms unlike chrome, thank you very much!

andy-portmen commented 3 months ago

Current version for Firefox is 0.3.7 which is on m2. The next release is 0.4.2 which is m3. Any browser based on FF 115 or above is being compatible.

trimechee commented 3 months ago

Interesting! but we hope native cien twill remain compatible with window 7 32 bits please?

Yesterday, I finally discovered where the sponsor button is located, it was at the bottom of the settings and it was not easy to notice it, maybe put it at the very beginning.....

yes that's wise reasonable both versions for chrome and firefox adopt manifest v3, so the maintenance load decreases especially since it is the same webextension technology, we hope please independent xpi version, and independent crx version so we don't have to wait the agreement of the stores or their possible censorship, I see that firefox store has not yet approved the new version which penalizes us :(

Mozilla should put our beloved Open-in-vlc in a short list of the best extensions because Open- in-vlc is what would make the masses prefer firefox over chrome because Open-in-vlc for firefox is more efficient than Open-in-vlc for chrome, tests as proof!

trimechee commented 2 months ago

Update : i discover new awesome browser compatible with new and old hardware !