andy-portmen / native-client

Native Messaging component for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS that is written in NodeJS.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
727 stars 474 forks source link

No luck on waterfox #62

Closed HaoZeke closed 5 years ago

HaoZeke commented 6 years ago

Using node v10 there doesn't seem to be any effect.

NodeJS status = 0
Installer is using your system NodeJS.
 -> Root directory is /home/haozeke/.config
 -> Creating a directory at /home/haozeke/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts
 -> Chrome Browser is supported
 -> Creating a directory at /home/haozeke/.config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts
 -> Chromium Browser is supported
 -> Creating a directory at /home/haozeke/.config/vivaldi/NativeMessagingHosts
 -> Vivaldi Browser is supported
 -> Creating a directory at /home/haozeke/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts
 -> Firefox Browser is supported
 -> Creating a directory at /home/haozeke/.config/com.add0n.node
 => Native Host is installed in /home/haozeke/.config/com.add0n.node

>>> Application is ready to use <<<

I still get the native client is not installed error.

(node:18867) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.

Here are the waterfox logs:


Also, system details: neofetch-2018-04-28-02-50-40-25639

dmcdo commented 5 years ago

It doesn't work on Waterfox because it uses a different profile directory than Firefox. Since Waterfox and Firefox are essentially the same browser, it's easy enough to just use a soft link and point Waterfox to the .mozilla directory.

ln -s $HOME/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts $HOME/.waterfox/native-messaging-hosts

HaoZeke commented 5 years ago

Thanks! I left waterfox for this, glad to go back to it.

grahamperrin commented 5 years ago

Waterfox Current 68.0b1 alongside Firefox Quantum with native-client 0.7.2

Please: what's the workaround in this case?

.. Writting to Chrome Registry
.. Key: HKCU\Software\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\com.add0n.node
The operation completed successfully.
.. Writting to Firefox Registry
.. Key: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\com.add0n.node
The operation completed successfully.
.. Chrome Browser is supported
.. Firefox Browser is supported
.. Native Host is installed in C:\Users\bbsadmin\AppData\Local\com.add0n.node

>>> Application is ready to use <<<

Press any key to continue . . .


Outpour7469 commented 4 years ago

Hello, Sorry for bumping up this issue, but in case someone is looking for a solution for this problem, I solved it in Windows by exporting by exporting the registry key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts, replaced Mozilla with Waterfox and then importing it back.