andy-portmen / open-in-vlc

a browser extension to send media links to VLC media player
Mozilla Public License 2.0
109 stars 60 forks source link

Add support of potplayer or other powerful media players like gridplayer and suggestions of best open source tools protocols and extensions to open send streams, links.... to external media player #44

Open trimechee opened 1 week ago

trimechee commented 1 week ago


"........I also tried to put the path of potplayer instead of vlc, potplayer opens but no video is displayed, so I copied the address of the m3u8 stream proposed by Open-in-vlc and I paste manually the link in potplayer and it works!

so we hope please because sometimes we prefer to use potplayer(vlc don't have feature play pause when we click on the video), we hope for more speed and simplicity please that our beloved Open-in-vlc will be able to send the m3u8 stream to potplayer because potplayer is compatible with video streaming streams because when I add (i.e. I copy and paste the url address of the m3u8° stream manually the m3u8 stream offered by Open-in-vlc and I put it in potplayer, the video streaming works in potplayer! Thank you very much!"

EDIT of important recent discovers :

Hello ,thank you agai for this awesome extension and i made new discover and may be it can help.....i find these extensions that have maybe similar features ad use vlc protocol, this is suggestion of open source tools protocols and extensions to open, send stream links to external media players ....:

Open vlc:// links directly from your web browser :

" Open websites with VLC. You must install the vlc:// protocol handler as well. You should use this together with playlist parsers.

Open websites with VLC. You must install the vlc:// protocol handler as well:

You should use this together with VLC playlist parsers, e.g: "

Play most multimedia files, and various streaming protocols with this VLC distributed online.

Effortless VLC online Media Player Integration:

Online Media Streaming: Access your favourite online media platforms, including popular streaming websites, and enjoy a seamless experience with VLC's versatile playback capabilities.

Use command-line to send "http-referrer" as well as the link

" The likely explanation for this bug is that I changed the default "potplayer://${url}/" from cat catch to "potplayer://${url}/referer=${referer}" and maybe sites like sports highlights sites don't require referrer hence the bug "

here a discussion between vlc protocol users :

"Edit the vlc-protocol.bat file and add this line (after the last set url command):

set url=!url:https/=https:/!

For some reason, Firefox is removing colons from links, so this puts them back in. That code is for https, but you could do the same for http, if you need it."

VLC on desktop will not open vlc:// urls

" Sounds like his biggest complaint is that vlc:// is "not a scheme"?

Honestly I'm not 100% sure exactly what he means but maybe something like video:// or media:// would be more acceptable? Or is there a pre-existing scheme that VLC can adopt? Not sure where to look for that. "

Edit : I also found

to send video streaming to mpv palyer but the developer says windows support is experimental

" These video hosts don't allow video playback outside their web pages, they check request headers (in this case the referrer). You can't play these without this header.


Without referrer:

mpv [ffmpeg] https: HTTP error 403 Forbidden

With referrer:

mpv --referrer="" (+) Video --vid=1 () (h264 1280x720 23.976fps) (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=fra () (aac 2ch 44100Hz) File tags: Artist: vostfree Title: Using hardware decoding (vaapi). AO: [alsa] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float VO: [gpu] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] AV: 00:00:00 / 00:23:03 (0%) A-V: -0.004 Cache: 59s/14MB "

Hello, thank you s much Mr @andy-portmen for this awesome great fantastic save lifer Open-in-vlc extension! 💯 🥇

My computer broke down so I use my old laptop from 2012 and it's difficult to watch streaming video because it lags, but the online videos in potplayer and vlc probably don't freeze because the media players are lighter than the heavy web browser hence the usefulness of our beloved Open-in-vlc! 💯

Please i have request, add spport for potplayer, i use extension "cat-catch" to preview video and watch streaming video without the need to wait to donwload streaming video because my connection may become weak.....

but there is sometimes problems to preview video with potplayer and vlc when i use preview feature of Cat-catch with local media player in these my favorite streaming websites:

so the developer of cat-catch advises me to add " PotPlayer cannot preview, probably because the website has "referer" verification. The good news is that PotPlayer supports the setting of referer parameters, and it even supports URL Protocol. You just need to change potplayer://${url} to potplayer://${url}/referer=${referer} "

another developer advises me also to fix problem preview with vlc: "To my knowledge, VLC offers similar functionality. You can achieve this by using the "--http-referrer" option when launching VLC from the command line."

So please Mr @andy-portmen , we hope a version of your great addon compatible also with the super powerful media player "potplayer" which can be reinforced with a powerful plugin 3 3DYD Youtube Source" which is a set of plugins for watching videos from media sites directly in the video player :

and this plugin of potplayerto fix weak buffer internet and old cpu because we can incresse netwrk buffer in vlc, potplayer.....

and maybe it is good idea to add also support for GridPlayer a super powerful fork of vlc that use yt-dlp and streamlink, or also add support of the super powerful media player kikoplay, qmplay2, mpc-qt, moonplayer, potential alternatives in case vlc player has or will have bugs.....

Thank you so much !

andy-portmen commented 1 week ago

You can use this extension with any custom player. Configure a different player using the options page. If your player requires different arguments, you can direct this extension to a batch script that converts the VLC arguments to the format needed for the other player.

Support for referrer has already been added, but it is not yet public. This feature will be included in the next release.

trimechee commented 1 week ago

Great wonderful amazing ! Thank you so much Mr @andy-portmen !!

We hope please with the new version of our beloved Open-in-VLC, we can play the videos of my favourite streaming websites, because for the moment, our beloved Opne-in-Vlc can't send the links of the detected video of these streaming websites to vlc which display error message .....

so Mr Chandler recommanded me to use your extension to fix preview problems beacause : "

" ....... "since Live stream downloader already offers us the possibility of copying the link of the url address to put it in vlc or potplayer or kikoplay or moon player or implay"

For this purpose, the "Open in VLC" extensiom might be more suitable. It not only handles the task but also has the added benefit of launching the VLC application automatically.

works once or twice then no longer works

Use command-line to send "http-referrer" as well as the link "

Another question please, which is the most powerful and advised extension for the playback with vlc or potplayer from various streaming sites :

or ?

andy-portmen commented 1 week ago

can't send the links of the detected video of these streaming websites to vlc which display error message .....

What error do you get?

The external-application-button extension is useful if you know the link and the open-in-vlc is useful if you need to detect media links.

trimechee commented 1 week ago

Oups, sorry ! it's me who said "i can't send the links of the detected video of these streaming websites to vlc which display error message ....." i was talking about Lve stream download....

what i posted is part of the discussion I had with Mr Chnadler, because I found a trick to avoid the end of the download which can be long, copy the url address of the download link the Live stream donwload extension:



and put the link of the url address in vlc or potplayer!

but my joy was short-lived, because it worked once or twice, then vlc or potplayer displayed an error message so Mr Chandler advised me to use Open-in-Vlc to solve the preview problems and so that I avoid adding the arguments:




the preview problem occurs on my 3 favorite streaming sites with the 3 download extensions and also with Open-in-Vlc and External application button

trimechee commented 1 week ago

Mr @andy-portmen , i have suggestion please ! May be it is good idea to fork the part of the code of the "preview setting" of the open-souce cat-catch extension which seems to be the only video download extension to natively integrate the rare feature "preview video wit local media player" , maybe that could help Open-in -Vlc to more intercept and send all video streams to vcl or potPlayer without potenial problems of referer !

Thank you very much!

trimechee commented 1 week ago

Mr @andy-portmen , this is is a comment from the developer of cat catch on my issue to add support for new cli programs to increase support and downloading of complex files.....apparently the developer invented a new open source tool called "url protocol", may be it can help to intercept more streams......

" - ".......The author of N_m3u8DL-CLI and N_m3u8DL-RE has basically given up updating. It is indeed necessary for the boss to consider other CLI download engines. If possible, consider the problem of mobile download when considering other download engines."

I actually regret writing a special call setting for N_m3u8DL-CLI. I should make a more universal call setting solution instead of limiting it to N_m3u8DL-CLI

Currently solving this problem, a call protocol management software has been developed to provide support for software that does not support URL Protocol calls.

(Note that this software is under development and is unreliable. Use with caution. It only supports Windows and is only in Chinese. It should have multiple languages ​​after the official release)

The corresponding extended settings have been completed in the latest version of the source code.

If possible, please help test it. ""

trimechee commented 1 week ago

And maybe this software can help also :

A Firefox/Chrome add-on for playing URLs in mpv.

trimechee commented 6 days ago

Hello Mr @andy-portmen , may be it can help.....i find these extensions that have maybe similar features ad use vlc protocol....:

Open vlc:// links directly from your web browser :

" Open websites with VLC. You must install the vlc:// protocol handler as well. You should use this together with playlist parsers.

Open websites with VLC. You must install the vlc:// protocol handler as well:

You should use this together with VLC playlist parsers, e.g: "

Play most multimedia files, and various streaming protocols with this VLC distributed online.

Effortless VLC online Media Player Integration:

Online Media Streaming: Access your favourite online media platforms, including popular streaming websites, and enjoy a seamless experience with VLC's versatile playback capabilities.

here a discussion between vc protocol users :

"Edit the vlc-protocol.bat file and add this line (after the last set url command):

set url=!url:https/=https:/!

For some reason, Firefox is removing colons from links, so this puts them back in. That code is for https, but you could do the same for http, if you need it."

VLC on desktop will not open vlc:// urls

" Sounds like his biggest complaint is that vlc:// is "not a scheme"?

Honestly I'm not 100% sure exactly what he means but maybe something like video:// or media:// would be more acceptable? Or is there a pre-existing scheme that VLC can adopt? Not sure where to look for that. "

trimechee commented 1 day ago


"........I also tried to put the path of potplayer instead of vlc, potplayer opens but no video is displayed, so I copied the address of the m3u8 stream proposed by Open-in-vlc and I paste manually the link in potplayer and it works!

so we hope please because sometimes we prefer to use potplayer(vlc don't have feature play pause when we click on the video), we hope for more speed and simplicity please that our beloved Open-in-vlc will be able to send the m3u8 stream to potplayer because potplayer is compatible with video streaming streams because when I add (i.e. I copy and paste the url address of the m3u8° stream manually the m3u8 stream offered by Open-in-vlc and I put it in potplayer, the video streaming works in potplayer! Thank you very much!"