andy-thomason / Vookoo

A set of utilities for taking the pain out of Vulkan in header only modern C++
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simplified framework options exposed to user and added aggregate-like initialization. #51

Open pocdn opened 2 years ago

pocdn commented 2 years ago

Exposing to the user the Instance and Device at Framework level caused some examples to stop working.

// Initialize makers vku::InstanceMaker im{}; im.defaultLayers(); vku::DeviceMaker dm{}; dm.defaultLayers();

The fix is to instead expose Framework high-level options only

// Define framework options vku::FrameworkOptions fo = { .useCompute = false; .useTessellationShader = false; .useGeometryShader = false; .useMultiView = false; };

and not expose "im" and and "dm" to the user directly. The reason is that all the possible options of those two require commensurate code changes beyond just specifying their member variables and more vk::code changes inside vku_framework.hpp.

The newer compilers didn't flag correctly error of using aggregate initilizers when a constructor is user defined. However, the consequence affected the uses of

vku::Window vk::Viewport vk::RenderPassBeginInfo vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo

The fix was to create thin "Maker" wrappers around all these except vku::Window. There wasn't really much benefit for vku::Window. For the other three the code was returned to a more aggregate-like use case with benefit of allowing setting of internal variables in any order unlike actual c++20 aggregate initializers.


displacementRpbi = vk::RenderPassBeginInfo {
  vk::Rect2D{{0, 0}, {window.width(), window.height()}},
  (uint32_t) clearColours.size(),

Note, the above can still be used if user likes but now the more aggregate-like use case is also possible (and used in all examples):

displacementRpbi = vku::RenderPassBeginInfoMaker{}
  .renderPass( *displacementRenderPass )
  .framebuffer( *displacementFrameBuffer )
  .renderArea( vk::Rect2D{{0, 0}, {window.width(), window.height()}} )
  .clearValueCount( (uint32_t) clearColours.size() )
  .pClearValues( )

And an example/swirltexture was added.

Two minor changes related to external libraries which give annoying warnings that could be easily fixed.

external/gilgamesh/mesh.hpp ... simply add a missing return statements, added this proposal to original gilgamesh project.

external/glm/detail/type_half.inl ... latest glm actually does this change from "f = f" to "f = f f"

lhog commented 2 years ago

Looks cool, but something has happened and lots of files show conflicts.

pocdn commented 2 years ago

My local branch had become out of sync with this master branch. The conflicts should be gone now.