andybalaam / rabbit-escape

Android and PC game inspired by Lemmings and Pingus
GNU General Public License v2.0
75 stars 40 forks source link

Level: Aquifer #362

Closed tttppp closed 5 years ago

tttppp commented 8 years ago

Needs #355 to play. I think this is quite a hard level, although I bet it's possible to save more rabbits than the target. (The target of 5 is my current high score).

:description=Try not to drown.
:solution.1.code= v :v 8ZRu}0CR(R:u v  EC?< (C a~B EC 6:v 3z3`8:R}2~(CZ68: -R-v CR:v/C-} 3 B2~`23`B v 6 <:5u28v 6~v E8:0CRa :uZuu C ZC v5uC8(C:(R v 3 :? 3a3`zv 5 R /? 2 6uCuB:v  RC5C(8 R6 C  E:36R5:0B v` u vC:( Z:Z:  - 3Cv2 ZB} ` v 5C:8(R6:/URv:R-}aC3Z -z5Cv8R?6R  Uu  U3 a?5uav z6R< 8 (}} z :<:C(Rv<EZ2v BR ~CZ~  5}3: ?R33 2zvB<u``R Zu5
#         Q         #
#  ###\       /###  #
#    ###########    #
#                   #
#  #P           P#  #
#  ###############  #
#### #    O    # ####
colonelfazackerley commented 8 years ago

I got 6 out. Let's make that a deja vu.

colonelfazackerley commented 8 years ago

Nice level, BTW.

colonelfazackerley commented 8 years ago

I got 8 out :solution.2.code=j[yI~z[|Ip#[pp7jpIp;IjO[[##[}p#_I%*jpO;f#'$pOAh#jjp"|y%I

A simpler 5 :solution.3.code=OFO+?!?FIFO!I+@L^+!AZ!p??Y_O+_FF!I

tttppp commented 8 years ago

8 sounds very impressive. That should be a Deja Vu level.

Now we have future levels in the source code, I think extra solutions and proposals for Deja Vu should be submitted as pull requests. I'm not sure how Andy wants to handle it, eg should we try to avoid lots of small pull requests? Also, should this issue be closed now that the level is in the development directory?

andybalaam commented 8 years ago

Tentative proposal: levels managed as pull requests and level sets as issues. Discussion of difficulty, deja vu etc can go in the level set issue. Sound ok?

Small pull requests are good by the way. Especially levels in development, which I can merge almost immediately.

andybalaam commented 8 years ago

87 deja vu

tttppp commented 8 years ago

Sounds good to me. I can imagine that single levels as issues may still be useful in a few cases:

  1. When the author doesn't understand how to use git (and has no intention of becoming a developer).
  2. When the level might benefit from some collaborative discussion.
  3. When the level is actually demonstrating a bug.
  4. When the author isn't able to get to a computer?

But generally I think getting levels into source control sooner rather than later sounds good.

andybalaam commented 8 years ago

Agree on all counts. Eventually we need a way to submit levels without a github account but that is for later.

CodeSmith00 commented 8 years ago

I solved it but I think it might be able to be improved by you making it a bit less hectic:

:description=Try not to drown.
#         Q         #
#  ###\       /###  #
#    ###########    #
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#  #P           P#  #
#  ###############  #
#### #    O    # ####

So you could do the normal thing or go round the water.

andybalaam commented 5 years ago

Moved to