Actors: Administrators
Preconditions: Model has been successfully trained and is ready for validation.
Triggers: Automatically triggered after model retraining returns successful.
Scenario Description: Following model training, the system will run validation on the new model. The system applies the trained model to a separate validation dataset and calculates performance metrics.
Post Conditions: Model is validated and ready to be deployed, pending administrator.
Exceptions: If the model does not have access to data, or any other errors occur while validating the model, no output is created, and an error is displayed.
Actors: Administrators Preconditions: Model has been successfully trained and is ready for validation. Triggers: Automatically triggered after model retraining returns successful. Scenario Description: Following model training, the system will run validation on the new model. The system applies the trained model to a separate validation dataset and calculates performance metrics. Post Conditions: Model is validated and ready to be deployed, pending administrator. Exceptions: If the model does not have access to data, or any other errors occur while validating the model, no output is created, and an error is displayed.