andycasey / moog

A package installer for the MOOG code
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Modify for use with MoogStokes? #1

Open soylentdeen opened 11 years ago

soylentdeen commented 11 years ago


I'm devloping my own version of Moog modified to do polarized radiative transfer (MoogStokes), and I came across your installer. Would you mind if I used your moog installer as a starting point to create a MoogStokes installer? If I can get it to work, would you be interested in a pull-request (perhaps as a different branch)?

Cheers, Casey

andycasey commented 11 years ago

Hi Casey,

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I've just been hiking in the Grand Canyon for the last few days! I saw your article for MoogStokes appear on astro-ph today, too. I'd be delighted if you were able to use this installer as a starting point for a MoogStokes installer. Having it as a different branch would be a good solution. I can update the pip information to include you as the maintainer for MoogStokes too.

Let me know if there's any way I can help!


soylentdeen commented 11 years ago

Hi Andy-

Thanks for the green-light. I commend your efforts to make the worst part about MOOG a little bit more palatable. In addition to a python installer, I'm also looking into making an autoconfig setup for MoogStokes (and presumably extendable to Moog). I'll keep you posted.
