andydomo / andydomotest

for webhook test
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How to install #5

Open scottschreckengaust opened 8 years ago

scottschreckengaust commented 8 years ago

@andydomo or @ashishkirpan1 curious how to install the DomoR package:

  install_github(repo="domoinc-r/DomoR", auth_token="<auth_token>")


Downloading GitHub repo domoinc-r/DomoR@master from URL Error in stop(github_error(request)) : Not Found (404)

parasailco commented 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue

alexbaur commented 8 years ago

I am also having this issue. I posted on the domo forums under the topic "R Plugin" if you'd like to add your voices to get the domo team's attention.

plaindonut commented 8 years ago

The following worked for me. NOTE: you need to create your own auth_token on github (not to be confused with the DOMO API access token).

install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE)



need version 1.0.0 of httr

install.packages('', repos=NULL, type="source") library("httr") install.packages("readr") library("readr") set_config( config( ssl_verifypeer = 0L ) ) install_github(repo="domoinc-r/DomoR", auth_token = "") library('DomoR')