andyferris / Dictionaries.jl

An alternative interface for dictionaries in Julia, for improved productivity and performance
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Faster intersection of Indices #69

Open pevnak opened 2 years ago

pevnak commented 2 years ago

I think that the intersection of Indices can be made trivially faster by ordering of arguments.

 a = distinct(rand(Int, 10000))
 b = distinct(rand(Int, 100))
julia> @btime intersect(a, b)
  134.240 μs (8 allocations: 284.55 KiB)
0-element Indices{Int64}

julia> @btime intersect(b, a)
  1.238 μs (5 allocations: 3.94 KiB)
0-element Indices{Int64}

julia> @btime length(a) > length(b) ? intersect(b, a) : intersect(a, b)
  1.283 μs (6 allocations: 3.95 KiB)
0-element Indices{Int64}

Would it make sense?

pevnak commented 2 years ago

This did the job for me

function Base.intersect(s1::AbstractIndices, s2::AbstractIndices)
    length(s1) > length(s2) ? filter!(in(s2), copy(s1)) : filter!(in(s1), copy(s2))
andyferris commented 2 years ago

Thanks @pevnak

One issue I had was trying to get the order of elements to come out the same either way. I don’t know if that is important, but so far I’ve been conservative with ordering issues.

Not sure what other people’s opinions are?

pevnak commented 2 years ago

I cannot judge that. I am usually concerned with speed.

pevnak commented 2 years ago

Since there is a stable_sort and sort, would it make sense to have something similar? I apologize for abusing the comments, but the difference in speed I am getting in my application is enormous.

I guess it might be possible to implement filtering for the opposite case, but it might be awful. One would first invalidate everything and then turn on only items that are in the other set. In this way, I guess, the iteration might go over the other set. I guess you got my idea, but not sure if it something that should be done.

andyferris commented 2 years ago

Yes perhaps.

I apologize for abusing the comments, but the difference in speed I am getting in my application is enormous.

There's no abuse here :) I, too, take performance seriously - we'll get this sorted.

One consideration might be, when length(s1) > length(s2), to record the tokens in s1, and sort them and give that back.

andyferris commented 2 years ago

Another complication is the fact that either collection might be SizeUnknown (i.e. a FilteredIndices) so even length can be expensive.

pevnak commented 2 years ago

But it can be narrowed for types where this will be performant.