andygxzeng / BoneMarrowMap

A single cell RNA-seq reference map of human hematopoietic development in the bone marrow, with balanced representation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and differentiated populations
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Error in .AUCell_buildRankings #6

Closed frnkhuang closed 5 months ago

frnkhuang commented 5 months ago

Hi Andy,

Thanks for developing this package! I am trying to score genesets as described in the leukemia projections tutorial:

query <- score_Genesets_AUCell(query, genesets = AMLgenesets, nbatches = 1, ncores = 10, output = 'metadata')

gives me the following error: [1] "Running AUCell scoring" [1] "batch 1" Error in .AUCell_buildRankings(exprMat = exprMat, featureType = featureType, : To use a dgCMatrix as input set 'splitByBlocks=TRUE'.

Using sparse matrices requires splitByBlocks=TRUE but I can not specify this within the score_Genesets_AUCell function. Any idea how I could fix this? Thanks a lot in advance!

andygxzeng commented 5 months ago

Hi there - thanks for your comment! I can look into this. Are you encountering this problem with the tutorial or with your own data? Would you also be able to provide the AUCell package version that you have?


andygxzeng commented 5 months ago

Could you try updating your AUCell package? In the newest versions, splitByBlocks is automatically set to TRUE if AUCell detects a dgCMatrix as input.

If this does not work, here is some custom code you can try to substitute for the function from the package:

score_Genesets_AUCell <- function (scrna, genesets, nbatches = 10, ncores = 1, output = c("metadata", "assay", "dataframe"), assay_name = "AUCell"){

    AUCell_scores <- AUCell_batch_custom(Seurat::GetAssayData(scrna, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts"), genesets = genesets, 
                                         num_batches = nbatches, num_cores = ncores)
    colnames(AUCell_scores) <- paste0(colnames(AUCell_scores), "_AUC")
    if (output == "metadata") {
        scrna <- Seurat::AddMetaData(scrna,
        out <- scrna
    else if (output == "assay") {
        scrna[[assay_name]] <- Seurat::CreateAssayObject(t(AUCell_scores))
        out <- scrna
    else if (output == "dataframe") {
        AUCell_scores <-
        out <- AUCell_scores
    else {
        stop("output parameter \"{output}\" is not a valid option. Please specify output as either \"metadata\", \"assay\", or \"dataframe\".")

AUCell_batch <- function (inp_data, genesets, num_batches = 10, num_cores = 1){
    num_cells <- ncol(inp_data)
    batch_size <- ceiling(num_cells/num_batches)
    score_mat <- c()
    print("Running AUCell scoring")
    for (i in 1:num_batches) {
        print(paste("batch", i))
        ind1 <- (i - 1) * batch_size + 1
        ind2 <- i * batch_size
        if (ind2 > num_cells) {
            ind2 <- num_cells
        if ([["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
            num_cores = 1
        gene_rankings <- AUCell::AUCell_buildRankings(inp_data[,ind1:ind2], plotStats = FALSE, nCores = num_cores, splitByBlocks=TRUE)
        score_mat_i <- AUCell::AUCell_calcAUC(geneSets = genesets, rankings = gene_rankings, nCores = num_cores)
        score_mat_i <- t(SummarizedExperiment::assay(score_mat_i, "AUC"))
        score_mat <- rbind(score_mat, score_mat_i)
        gc(full = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
    print("Finished Scoring")
frnkhuang commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply. Updating the AUCell package from 1.18.1 to 1.25.2 solved the issue.

andygxzeng commented 5 months ago

Perfect! have a great weekend!