andykorth / Pencil.Gaming

An open-source, cross-platform gaming library for C# with bindings for OpenGL, OpenAL, and GLFW.
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GLEW Support? #13

Closed ZeronSix closed 9 years ago

ZeronSix commented 11 years ago

A lot of modern OpenGL tutorials utilize this useful library that helps with loading OpenGL extensions. Anyway, there is no support for GLEW in Pencil.Gaming. Any chances to add it? If i'll have time for it, i'll add it by myself.

TideSofDarK commented 11 years ago

I 'm going to migrate to C#, of course GLEW support will be very helpful, at least for beginners.

antonijn commented 11 years ago

I would like you to point to one specific tutorial using GLEW functionality, because I suspect the functionality is reproduceable in Pencil.Gaming in a similarly easy manner, if not easier.

If this regards platform-specific extensions, those have been removed in one of the early versions of Pencil.Gaming, in an effort to keep the library small and cross-platform. I doubt whether those will be coming back.

ZeronSix commented 11 years ago

Here, for example. Although it is exactly extension tutorial, this functionality is pretty useful.

antonijn commented 11 years ago

The problem I've always had with OpenGL extensions, is that they are GPU-specific, and sometimes even platform dependent. I've therefore even gone as far as to remove the extensions available from the OpenTK GL.cs class, to improve cross-platform, cross-GPU compatibility.

You might say that using GLEW you can check whether an extension is available on a certain system, I, however, think that it still makes it easy to code sloppily (i.e. dropping support for a specific GPU or platform, whether that be concious or not), and knowing people's tendency to forget about linux and os x platforms entirely, therefore not caring about making that part of their code cross-platform.

If you feel the need to do this, however, feel free to fork Pencil.Gaming and add such functionality, I'm just not planning on it at the moment.

andykorth commented 9 years ago

Agreed, that adding this is probably outside of the scope of Pencil.Gaming. Closing this for now.