Open antoinemadec opened 3 years ago
Just pushed a change which will hopefully improve it a bit (couple ms at most). PS. you can use :MatchupShowTimes
to get a finer idea of where the time is being spent, which might help make further improvements.
@andymass , thanks a lot. I just updated vim-matchup to your latest commit. Here is the before/after, unfortunately there is not much difference:
011.294 009.455: sourcing /home/antoine/dotfiles/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/plugin/matchup.vim
average last maximum
done 3.13ms 1.74ms 3.44ms
init_done 8.26ms 8.26ms 8.26ms
misc 0.03ms 0.03ms 0.03ms
motion 0.21ms 0.12ms 0.23ms
loader 1.08ms 1.08ms 1.08ms
matchparen 1.76ms 1.76ms 1.76ms
get_current 2.00ms 3.88ms 3.88ms
first_pass 0.58ms 1.76ms 1.76ms
nothing_found 0.65ms 1.96ms 1.96ms
011.241 009.357: sourcing /home/antoine/dotfiles/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/plugin/matchup.vim
average last maximum
done 3.03ms 1.06ms 3.46ms
init_done 8.17ms 8.17ms 8.17ms
misc 0.03ms 0.03ms 0.03ms
motion 0.23ms 0.11ms 0.26ms
loader 1.11ms 1.11ms 1.11ms
matchparen 1.73ms 1.73ms 1.73ms
get_current 2.02ms 3.89ms 3.89ms
first_pass 0.62ms 1.71ms 1.71ms
nothing_found 0.70ms 1.91ms 1.91ms
This takes roughly 3.5ms:
lua require'treesitter-matchup'.init()
This takes 2.8ms:
for l:mod in [ 'loader', 'matchparen' ]
if !get(g:, 'matchup_'.l:mod.'_enabled', 1)
call matchup#{l:mod}#init_module()
Thanks, this info helps. BTW, your timings suggest you're opening a file (rather than just opening nvim). Can you share the details of the file you're opening and also any details of your configuration?
@andymass , the second time, I used my regular config and opened my vimrc. The first time, I did not open any file and used the minimal vimrc.
Here are the new stats on the latest vim-matchup
, with the minimal vimrc and without opening any file:
022.713 000.343 000.343: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup.vim
022.914 000.142 000.142: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/perf.vim
023.950 000.586 000.586: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/loader.vim
025.057 000.912 000.912: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/matchparen.vim
030.716 009.253 007.043: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/plugin/matchup.vim
035.255 000.009 000.009: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/after/plugin/matchit.vim
039.434 000.032 000.032: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/re.vim
039.734 000.070 000.070: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/ts_engine.vim
041.613 000.170 000.170: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/pos.vim
024.257 000.430 000.430: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup.vim
024.483 000.149 000.149: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/perf.vim
025.546 000.596 000.596: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/loader.vim
026.791 000.929 000.929: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/matchparen.vim
031.490 009.005 006.574: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/plugin/matchup.vim
035.520 000.007 000.007: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/after/plugin/matchit.vim
039.756 000.031 000.031: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/re.vim
040.059 000.072 000.072: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/ts_engine.vim
041.895 000.119 000.119: sourcing /home/antoine/.vim/plugins/vim-matchup/autoload/matchup/pos.vim
average last maximum
done 2.72ms 2.72ms 2.72ms
init_done 6.96ms 6.96ms 6.96ms
misc 0.02ms 0.02ms 0.02ms
motion 0.18ms 0.11ms 0.19ms
loader 0.87ms 0.87ms 0.87ms
matchparen 1.25ms 1.25ms 1.25ms
Any further updates/thoughts on the performance? Matchup is slow for me as well and hampers the startup time. Is there any benefit in lazyloading it on the { "%", "g%"}
keys using packer's lazy loading feature in neovim?
@krishnakumarg1984 can you give any specific example where it is slow? A lot has been done since this issue opened and it is highly configuration dependent.
I strongly recommend not using packer's lazy loading; a) match-up is already lazy loaded with autoload, b) you would not get matchparen highlighting, c) has not been tested this way and the startup routines in neovim especially involving nvim-treesitter are brittle.
That being said, a specific demonstration will go a long way to finding where the bad performance is.
Unfortunately, I am unable to share the gist link to the actual document, since we are writing a collaborative report on a jointly funded large-scale research project. The whole doc is a single markdown file jointly edited by about 20 authors (some authors are more active than others e.g. the principal investigator rarely edits the doc).
I find matchup to be slow when editing this very large single-file markdown (actually R markdown document) with lots of embedded code (literate programming style). And since I directly edit nvim my_report.rmd
, the load time is pretty unbearable. Note that this report is a monolithic file. It wasn't intended constructed like this in the first place but over the last 18 months or so became like this, and people are now reluctant to modularize it (since we depend on R/python
variables defined in the earlier part of the file at some later part of the document), and just want to submit it to the funder and be done. Other people in the project load it up with Rstudio on beefy macs and workstations, which makes the editing somewhat bearable for them, but pretty much everyone is complaining at this point.
is my only vimscript plugin (everything else is a lua
plugin), and I was wondering when I saw this issue if the slowdown reported in this issue might be what I am seeing.
Thanks @krishnakumarg1984, from your response, I can infer the following:
The issue is with a non-tree-sitter filetype, specifically rmd
Please let me know what plugin enables the rmd filetype. Or otherwise what nvim configuration you are using to give syntax for this type.
Happens on particularly large files
The issue is specifically with load time, not runtime performance. This does not make sense to me since match-up does almost no work at load time.
Also, if you have not already, please consider setting :let g:matchup_matchparen_deferred=1
I constructed a 250K line rmd file and loaded it with nvim, match-up takes less than 1 ms
to load.
Even if the file cannot be shared, I think some details of your config can help here.
Explain the issue
The startup time of vim-matchup is 10ms:
latest nvim 0.5 dev
nvim --stratuptime profiling.txt ; grep matchup profiling.txt
Minimal vimrc file
Do you think the init performance could be fixed ? I saw #25 was already talking about this.
Anyway, thanks a lot for the amazing plugin :heart: