andyp123 / blender_vertex_color_master

Blender addon for working more precisely with vertex colours.
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Isolate mode not working correctly #39

Open andyp123 opened 2 years ago

andyp123 commented 2 years ago

When switching to isolate mode, a new channel is created, but Blender does not switch to viewing it. This seems to have occurred around Blender 3.2

soy1bonus commented 2 years ago

Wow, I didn't expect you to go back to this project! There is no other addon like this one and I use it almost everyday. Thanks a lot beforehand!

koffeinvampir commented 1 year ago

Yep, same issue here in Blender 3.2 and working fine in 3.1. If there's anything that helps you get ahead of the issue, I'm happy to help. 👍

EtienneVanier commented 1 year ago

Same issue in 3.3. Hope you'll have the time to fix this, your plugin extends Blender's functions in an essential manner. Thank you for your work.

unfa commented 1 year ago

I've discovered this add-on recently and it'd make my life way easier if it worked as intended with Blender 3.2.

Things I am trying to do is apply Dirty Vertex Colors (AO) on one of the channels only, and then invert that. Unfortunately it doesn't work as expected.

PS: I've sent a donation to encourage work on this add-on. It's an incredible tool for game artists like myself, and there's nothing like it out there.

andyp123 commented 1 year ago

I keep thinking I'm going to fix these issues and then not doing it, but I have some time off work right now, so I'll look into it.

Thank you very much for the donation. I'll try to get these issues fixed up as soon as I can.

cvanmeurs commented 1 year ago

I could really use this fix for my work as well. :)

j-conrad commented 1 year ago

Just adding my voice to help encourage you, @andyp123 . I use this add-on and continue to suggest it to other Blender users regularly. Thank you!

berdel04 commented 1 year ago

great to see you reactivated this project! Blenders vertex painting is still super basic

stianhje commented 1 year ago

Would be amazing if this great add-on would be updated. I've using it actively since 2019 and I love it.

Moerti84 commented 1 year ago

I can only agree. It was working fine up to 3.2 and made my life so much easier. This is almost a must for game artist, I would say. Me and I guess many others would really appreciate an update. I am using the addon for vertex paint and split alpha paint, just for interest.

andyp123 commented 1 year ago

Really sorry for how long it's taking me to take a look at this issue. I'm just having a look at it now, but not immediately sure what is going on. It seems to be something in Blender itself that might not be behaving correctly, as it seems to report the active vertex colour layer incorrectly sometimes. I will do some more investigation and if I can't figure it out I'll ask the Blender dev behind the recent vertex colour > attributes changes to take a look.

Temporary workaround:

  1. Isolate a vertex colour channel in VCM.
  2. Open object data properties and fold down the "Color Attributes" panel.
  3. Select the isolated colour layer (will be named VCM-ISO) From now on, pressing isolate, apply and discard should work more or less correctly FOR THAT OBJECT, though you may still run into problems if you are using many layers. Unfortunately, you'll need to do this for every object you are working with.
michaeldll commented 4 months ago

I'm having the isolated Vertex Color issue on 3.2 onwards as well. I therefore add my voice to the others to encourage you to fix these issues, we use your addon almost every day at my WebGL agency <3