andyrj / ulit

minimalist tagged template literal library, currently 3kB gzipped dependency free runtime.
MIT License
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Node level issue - Walker realted? #2

Open selfup opened 6 years ago

selfup commented 6 years ago

So it seems that using a helper method for dispatching has revealed some sort of bug 🐛

  <button onclick=${dispatch('up')}>+</button>
  <button onclick=${dispatch('down')}>-</button>

This works fine!

But 😢

  <button onclick=${dispatch('up')}>+</button>
  <button onclick=${dispatch('down')}>-</button>

This is broken. It seems that the way the DOM is constructed matters here? 🤔

Another neat bug is here:

  <button onclick=${dispatch('up')}>+</button>


Now nothing fires! So there must be a level required of DOM nodes it seems

Here is the codepen for reproduction of said bugs:

andyrj commented 6 years ago

Working on it! Thank you for the report.