I am seeing a crash (SIGSEGV - invalid memory address) in the following code when calling the Alamofire HTTPManager and passing the results of a call to the Timberjack.defaultSessionConfiguration():
class HTTPManager: Alamofire.SessionManager {
static let shared: HTTPManager = {
let configuration = Timberjack.defaultSessionConfiguration()
let manager = HTTPManager(configuration: configuration) . <=== Crashes here
return manager
I am seeing a crash (SIGSEGV - invalid memory address) in the following code when calling the Alamofire HTTPManager and passing the results of a call to the Timberjack.defaultSessionConfiguration():
class HTTPManager: Alamofire.SessionManager {
The is following the example in the Timberjack README file (https://github.com/andysmart/Timberjack)
And our network calls look like this:
class DataAgent: NSObject, NSCoding {
let request:DataRequest = manager.networkRequest("(DataAgent.api_url)", method:NetworkingConstants.HTTPMethod.post, params: params) request.validate() .responseJSON { response in switch response.result { case .success(let data): DataAgent.tokenCallback(json: JSON(data)) DataAgent.scope = role print("Login Successful! (DataAgent.access_token ?? "UNDEFINED")") completion(true)
And the network request is in my NetworkManager class:
But I am not able to reproduce this one on-demand but am seeing that my users are experiencing it.