andystanton / opt-loc

:earth_africa: Webapp & API for evaluating the suitability of candidate locations based on configurable variables.
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Investigate search of geonames data for supplied place name #31

Closed andystanton closed 10 years ago

andystanton commented 10 years ago

Google places API doesn't offer search for nearby towns. Will have to implement own version.

There is a free static data provider called geonames that offers raw place data:

andystanton commented 10 years ago

postgresql + postgis allows for storage of lat/longs and queries based on them

Guide to setting up a postgres table with lat/long:

installing postgres & postgis

brew install postgresql
brew install postgis

setting up db

-- Database: "opt-loc"
  WITH OWNER = stanta01
       ENCODING = 'UTF8'
       TABLESPACE = pg_default
       LC_COLLATE = 'en_GB.UTF-8'
       LC_CTYPE = 'en_GB.UTF-8'

-- Enable PostGIS (includes raster)
-- Enable Topology
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
-- fuzzy matching needed for Tiger
CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
-- Enable US Tiger Geocoder
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder;

  SET search_path = "$user", public, tiger;
andystanton commented 10 years ago

table for geoname data

CREATE TABLE public.places_gb
  geoname_id integer NOT NULL,
  name character varying(200),
  ascii_name character varying(200),
  alternate_names character varying(8000),
  latitude double precision,
  longitutde double precision,
  feature_class character(1),
  feature_code character varying(10),
  country_code character(2),
  country_code_2 character varying(60),
  admin_code character varying(20),
  admin_code_2 character varying(80),
  admin_code_3 character varying(20),
  admin_code_4 character varying(20),
  population bigint,
  dem_raw integer,
  timezone character varying(40),
  modification_date date,
  CONSTRAINT pk_geoname_id PRIMARY KEY (geoname_id)
ALTER TABLE public.places_gb
  OWNER TO stanta01;
andystanton commented 10 years ago

importing geoname data

geoname file should be converted to utf 8 and pipe delimited. then can be imported using:

copy places_gb FROM '/path/to/GBpipe.txt' WITH DELIMITER '|' NULL AS ''
andystanton commented 10 years ago

converting data to lat long

ALTER TABLE places_gb ADD COLUMN lat_long geometry(POINT,4326);
UPDATE places_gb SET lat_long = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(latitude,longitude),4326);
CREATE INDEX idx_places_gb_lat_long ON places_gb USING GIST(lat_long);
andystanton commented 10 years ago

querying data within a given radius

SELECT name 
FROM places_gb
WHERE ST_Distance_Sphere(lat_long, ST_MakePoint(51.401409,-1.3231139)) <= 10000


"Greenham Common"
"Donnington Castle"
"Newbury & Community PCT"
"West Berkshire Community Hospital"
"Hilton Newbury Centre"
"Swallow Chequers"
"Chequers Hotel"
"Donnington Valley Htl And Spa"
"Newbury Railway Station"
"Newbury Racecourse Railway Station"
"Shaw cum Donnington"
"Newbury Racecourse"