andythenorth / road-hog

Road Hog
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Non-electric trams only show in electric Tram depots #1

Open Stuart-Cox opened 1 week ago

Stuart-Cox commented 1 week ago

so for example the Ladycross pax tram I believe is meant to use the non-electric tram rails

consist = PaxHauler(id='ladycross_pax',
    tram_type='RAIL', (as this would be "ELRL" instead)

(note: the non-electric depot doesnt even become available unless I have another newGRF enabled that adds non-electric trams, I have tested with just this newGRF enabled to confirm it isn't just a mod conflict).

However in game (on version 1.4.1) the non-electric trams only appear in the electric depot (leaving the non-electric one empty) Electric depot image

Non-electric depot image

I might be wrong about the non-electric depot being in the base game but the fact you have ELRL & RAIL as tram types implies suggests I am right.

Gadg8eer commented 1 week ago

Sadly, you are wrong. The default tram type is ELRL yes, but remember, OpenTTD without GRFs is mostly vanilla Transport Tycoon, which only had the following...

OpenTTD added...

Since there were no trolleybusses in TTD, ELRD and standardized roadtypes like RABE are not included by default.

Further, no trams were included in base TTD at all, so you need both a tram set and a roadtype set that includes unelectrified tram tracks to use unelectrified trams.

Adding RAIL as a default tramtype is reasonable but not in the scope of the Road Hog GRF.

Please wait for andythenorth to respond but afaik this is what's "wrong" with the GRF. RAIL isn't included by default as a tramtype, and even ELRL is not available without a tram vehicle set, so you will have to download a GRF that provides RAIL as a tramtype.