Closed jordan0day closed 8 years ago
According to the comment below the java erlang driver does not allow full stops in the node name. Could you try with a node name without the full stop?
Yes, it works if I have a nodename without any period in it.
It also works for a node name with an IP (like test@, but, interestingly, it also works when I start my node with
erl -name test2@Jordans-MacBook-Pro.local -setcookie test_cookie
So it's not necessarily the presence of a period that causes the issue. This makes me think it is most likely some kind of issue with my local network/os x's hostname configuration stuff.
Great, I have updated the trouble shooting section with this issue in e0c09c0a9d62309acba95ad06db5bd315eb42547.
I'm on OS X Yosemite and having an issue connecting to a node I'm running locally. I can connect the nodes using net_adm:ping, but erlyberly complains with "Nameserver not responding on Jordans-MacBook-Pro.trea..."
As per the troubleshooting section in the README, I've verified that epmd is running:
I'm guessing this is probably something configured wrong on my system or domain or something, but I'm really not sure what I should look at next, troubleshooting-wise?