andywer / postcss-debug

Debug your postcss workflow with ease! Creates snapshots of your CSS files before/after each postcss plugin is run.
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Fix resizing of the snapshot view #16

Closed alienlebarge closed 7 years ago

alienlebarge commented 7 years ago

Corrects resizing the snapshots_view if CSS lines are longer than the width of the container.

In my CSS, I have big lines of CSS (due to base64 images).

.c-form-control-x input:checked ~ .c-form-control__indicator {
    background-image: url()

Here's what the change do:

2016-09-13 08_40_41

andywer commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot, @alienlebarge! :)

I was just on my way to merge the PR... 😅 Anymore refinements in sight? 😉

alienlebarge commented 7 years ago


.snapshot__view {
    max-width: calc(95% - 350px - 26px - 20px);

seems a better idea than

.snapshot__view {
    overflow: scroll

napkin 3 13 09 16 10 08 00 am

alienlebarge commented 7 years ago

@andywer, I think now it's ok :wink:

You can merge.

andywer commented 7 years ago

Awesome. Say... What tool did you use to create the picture in the last command? Looks neat 👍😄

alienlebarge commented 7 years ago

@andywer I'used Napkin

andywer commented 7 years ago

Ahhh, cool. But quite expensive 😅

andywer commented 7 years ago

Published as version 0.4.1 😉