andywer / postcss-debug

Debug your postcss workflow with ease! Creates snapshots of your CSS files before/after each postcss plugin is run.
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Better visual desing #8

Closed ai closed 7 years ago

ai commented 8 years ago

Out current UX is nice, but we need better visual design:

  1. Better fonts
  2. More modern controls

We could always try Material design, its visual langauge pretty nice and better then nothing (but custom visual design will be nicer).

With better visual design this tool will look more professional.

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

We can try Material design, but i dont like material design :) What you like fonts ? Current font - Roboto, san-serif.

ai commented 8 years ago

Yeap, I agree that Metarial is to mainstream :).

Hm, maybe font problem is already closed.

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

We can try, and see -> good Material design or not good :) In our case

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

I make Material design, but dont make "code area"

ScreenShot : 2016-06-02 17 14 31

ai commented 8 years ago

I like it. And it doesn't look too material, which is cool.

Links to documentation is nice idea.

We need to return info badge to plugins.

There is only one UX issue right now: we don't show that plugins are inside opened file. Maybe we should make files aside like app left menu panel with full height from header to bottom of the page?

andywer commented 8 years ago

Yeah, looks nice, yet not too materialish.

@Gaserd What's the difference between 'Documentation' & 'GitHub'? The only documentation right now is on github πŸ˜… @ai What do you mean by "we don't show that plugins are inside opened file"?

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer I mean, that we don't show clicking on file will reload plugin sections. That plugins is a content of current file.

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@ai @andywer Ok. I think about this

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer @ai I make this.

1 - Under the heading "file" show plugins 2 - Under the heading "plugin" show small text about this plugins and click this text go to npm

2016-06-02 20 36 22

andywer commented 8 years ago

@Gaserd Interesting, but I see two problems... First, the executed plugins will be the same for all files, so showing there should be no need to show them for every file separately.

Secondly, showing some description text for the plugin is way more complicated then just linking to it. Not impossible, but a lot of effort.

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer hm hm hm.

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer back (?) for link npm ? :)

But,user may be use different plugins for different files

andywer commented 8 years ago

@Gaserd You run postcss on your files with using some set of plugins, but you cannot change the plugins array during execution, so in practice there cannot be different plugins for different files. At least I cannot see a way to accomplish that.

Problem with the description is that we would need to fetch the package.json (or the github landing page) of each plugin used to get the description. Creating the link was simple:${pluginName}

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer Okay πŸ‘

ai commented 8 years ago

We could try to take plugin description by:

let pkg = require('PLUGIN/package.json')
andywer commented 8 years ago

@ai I fear that's not going to work, since this would be resolved to path/to/postcss-debug/node_modules/PLUGIN/package.json...

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer you don’t need to resolve, npm will do it for you. require('plugin') works, so require('plugin/package.json') will work too.

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer if you don’t start path from ./ npm will automatically find directory. this is why you could write require('postcss/parse') too

andywer commented 8 years ago

@ai I am speaking of how node resolves when requiring like require('foo/file.ext'). If you don't start with ./ it will look for foo/file.ext in path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules'). Since postcss-debugger source files are not in your project directory where you have your CSS files, it will not find the plugin.

Or am I missing something else?

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer node.js will look at ./node_modules, if it will not find file it will look then in ../node_modules, then in ../../node_modules/ and in all other dirs.

So it will find plugin in most of cases. Especially if plugin is in project package.json.

Also in npm@3 all modules are in flat node_modules.

andywer commented 8 years ago

@ai Ahh, you know what? I think we had two different use cases in mind... You were rather thinking of a locally installed postcss-debug used by code (I guess) and I was thinking of a globally installed postcss-debug used via CLI :)

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer global npm install is evil :)

andywer commented 8 years ago

@ai Haha! Fair enough ;)

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

2016-06-03 11 01 35

Gaserd commented 8 years ago
andywer commented 8 years ago

Looks cool, but I think we should stick to one theme. Maybe open a twitter poll on which theme to use?

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer I think about switch theme. Pressed Ctrl+D and switched theme, but you can open twitter poll on which theme :)

andywer commented 8 years ago

@Gaserd Sounds nice, but it's still a small debugging utility. Let's not over-engineer :)

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer it is now a small debugging utillity, tommorow it is a big project about it all speaking πŸ‘

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

Start twitter poll about themes. This is will fun πŸ‘

ai commented 8 years ago

@Gaserd awesome! should we show start-end file fize?

andywer commented 8 years ago

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer twitter poll! Any mention of tools increase popularity.

But don’t forget ping me with a link to RTs

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@ai I think about this :) And I started make this UI in HTML, CSS

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer can you repost tweet with [Poll] text in tweet (many clients still don’t show a poll in tweet block and user need to know that it is a poll). Also if you remove a hash-tag and user mentions (@PostCSS @gaserd123) it will increase readability

andywer commented 8 years ago

@ai @Gaserd Deleted old tweet and created a new one.

ai commented 8 years ago

@andywer thanks :) I also scheduled post in Russian Facebook (we have a community there)

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer Good πŸ‘

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

What think about this logo ? @ai @andywer 2016-06-04 23 31 31

ai commented 8 years ago

Monochrome version will be better, because you have no green colors in UI.

andywer commented 8 years ago

@ai I agree, monochrome would be better. Or maybe black and white and a color we already use (but I am not a designer, so feel free to ignore).

I think it looks nice, but what is it? Not sure if it's a camera πŸ˜…

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer this is head cosmonaut πŸ‘

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

May be create twitter post about new icon for PostCSS-webdebugger ? @ai @andywer

ai commented 8 years ago

Yeap, more tweets πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

Okay, wait Andy ? Or maybe I create tweet of new icon for PostCSS-webdebugger?

andywer commented 8 years ago

@Gaserd Do you mean if you should wait until I finish merging? We could tweet once about the new icon (before finalizing the updated design) and tweet a 2nd time when the new release is out ;)

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@andywer Yes, i waiting your merging πŸ‘ And you are right, create tweet when the new release UI. But we will to increase interest for our plugin if we will create more tweets our changes for UI or Core, even if this changes very small

ai commented 8 years ago

we will to increase interest for our plugin if we will create more tweets our changes for UI or Core, even if this changes very small

Yeap, it is how marketing works :)

Gaserd commented 8 years ago

@ai Yeah πŸ‘

Gaserd commented 8 years ago
