Peer testing has provided us with insight that the controls are very hard for new players to VR to figure out. Personally, I think it's more of an issue that most of our players don't have any VR legs, after all I'm using the standard control layout for 99% of VR games. But they can't seem to find the grip button and such, which is understandable, I'll try to throw in some tooltips before release to help them.
Peer testing has provided us with insight that the controls are very hard for new players to VR to figure out. Personally, I think it's more of an issue that most of our players don't have any VR legs, after all I'm using the standard control layout for 99% of VR games. But they can't seem to find the grip button and such, which is understandable, I'll try to throw in some tooltips before release to help them.