Raising as part of JOSS review openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/6906
Some small typos and other minor suggestions with regards to the JOSS paper text
[x] Probability density function (PDF) acronym should be defined on first usage.
[x] PDF function is used in several places but would expand to probability density function function.
[x] Citations should be added for both NumPy and Scipy .
[x] In Statement of need, Markov Chain Monte Carlo should ideallly be capitalized as Markov chain Monte Carlo (generally the full form of an acronym or initialism will be capitalized as it would usually be, and while Markov and Monte Carlo are both proper nouns, chain is not).
[x] The SGMCMCJax bibtex entry needs additional braces adding so markov chain monte carlo is capitalized as Markov chain Monte Carlo.
Raising as part of JOSS review openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/6906
Some small typos and other minor suggestions with regards to the JOSS paper text