anegostudios / VintageStory-Issues

Vintage Story's public issue tracker for reporting bugs, crashes and the like
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Resizable BAR causing performance issues on AMD cards #2987

Open v4ltages opened 11 months ago

v4ltages commented 11 months ago

Game Version









I discovered when turning on Resizeable BAR on my Gigabyte B550 GAMING X V2 motherboard with my AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT GPU and observed how performance completely degrades on ultra high settings or any settings in general. Even medium.

This issue maybe related to this part of the wiki on Framerate and Performance or another issue reported.

7. There's a known issue on Radeon graphics cards - including high end Radeon cards - about GPU availability, more like memory lock contention. The issue is normally only seen on max graphics settings (with shadows enabled) and is most obvious when moving across the map so that a lot of new map loads, there can be noticeable frame rate drops and stutter. Game version 1.15.7 and above has a change that slightly improves this, we hope to do even more to work around it in future versions, but ultimately it is a hardware/GPU issue. For anyone bothered by the issue, a solution is to ease the pressure on the GPU by turning down some of the top end settings (SSAO and Shadows, or reduce the MaxFPS) so that the GPU has some idle time each frame.

How to reproduce

  1. Check/Log game performance before resizable BAR is enabled.
  2. Reboot the system, go into the BIOS and Enable Above4GDecoding etc thats required for resizable BAR support. Depends on motherboard manufacturer how to enable it and what its called.
  3. Boot into windows, check if resizable BAR is enabled and launch the game while checking/logging game performance with resizable BAR enabled


With Resizable BAR OFF

image image

With Resizable BAR ON

image image

Possible memory leak? image


Log client-main

5.8.2023 15:53:16 [Notification] Client logger started.
5.8.2023 15:53:16 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.7  
5.8.2023 15:53:16 [Notification] Screens:
5.8.2023 15:53:16 [Notification] 0: {X=0,Y=0,Width=2560,Height=1440}, \\.\DISPLAY1 (primary)
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] OpenAL Initialized. Available Mono/Stereo Sources: 255/1
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] CPU Cores: 12
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Available RAM: 32768 MB
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Graphics Card Version: 4.6.0 Compatibility Profile Context
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Graphics Card Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Graphics Card ShadingLanguageVersion: 4.60
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] GL.MaxVertexUniformComponents: 8000
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] GL.MaxUniformBlockSize: 4194304
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Cairo Graphics Version: 1.17.3
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] OpenAL Version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] C# Framework: .net Framework 4.0.30319.42000
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] OpenTK Version: 3.3.2 (A set of fast, low-level C# bindings for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenAL.)
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Start discovering assets
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 72 base assets in category shaders
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 16 base assets in category shaderincludes
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 4 base assets in category music
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category dialog
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Found 411 base assets in total
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Loading sounds
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Sounds loaded
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass .
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Window was resized to 1395 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Begin loading shaders
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Load shaders now
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Loading shaders...
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
5.8.2023 15:53:17 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
5.8.2023 15:53:18 [Notification] Cached session key is invalid, require login
5.8.2023 15:53:21 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.8.2023 15:53:21 [Notification]     C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\Mods
5.8.2023 15:53:21 [Notification]     C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
5.8.2023 15:53:26 [Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
5.8.2023 15:53:26 [Notification] Initialized Server Connection
5.8.2023 15:53:26 [Notification] Server args parsed
5.8.2023 15:53:26 [Notification] Server main instantiated
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Processed server identification
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Map initialized
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Received server assets
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Loading and pre-starting client side mods...
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification]     C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\Mods
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification]     C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 3 mods (0 disabled)
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: game, creative, survival
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Instantiated 101 mod systems from 3 enabled mods
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Done loading and pre-starting client side mods.
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\assets\survival\
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category lang
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 9 external assets in category patches
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 54 external assets in category config
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 348 external assets in category sounds
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 3179 external assets in category shapes
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 13 external assets in category shaders
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category shaderincludes
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 5243 external assets in category textures
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 67 external assets in category music
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 18 external assets in category dialog
5.8.2023 15:53:35 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
5.8.2023 15:53:36 [Notification] Reloaded lang file now with mod assets
5.8.2023 15:53:36 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
5.8.2023 15:53:36 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2 patches total, no issues
5.8.2023 15:53:36 [Notification] Received 3040 item types from server
5.8.2023 15:53:36 [Notification] Loaded 9252 block types from server
5.8.2023 15:53:36 [Notification] Reloaded sounds, now with mod assets
5.8.2023 15:53:36 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 entities texture atlases from 384 textures
5.8.2023 15:53:38 [Notification] Window was resized to 1278 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:53:38 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:53:38 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing startingspserver...
5.8.2023 15:53:39 [Notification] Collected 1802 shapes to tesselate.
5.8.2023 15:53:40 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 items texture atlases from 1593 textures
5.8.2023 15:53:40 [Notification] Server launched
5.8.2023 15:53:42 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 blocks texture atlases from 4310 textures
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Server assets loaded
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Started 64 systems on Client:
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemItemRendererOptimizer
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FallingBlockParticlesModSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterExtraDialogs
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityNameTagRendererRegistry
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemClient
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ModSystemBossHealthBars
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemMeasuringRope
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBoatingSound
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemHandbook
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MealMeshCache
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MicroBlockModelCache
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TradeHandbookInfo
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loading shaders...
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Reloaded shaders now with mod assets
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Received level init
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass instanced.
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Loading world map cache db...
5.8.2023 15:53:43 [Notification] Initialized Music Engine
5.8.2023 15:53:44 [Notification] Texture size is 32 so decal atlas size of 128x128 should suffice
5.8.2023 15:53:44 [Notification] Blocks tesselated
5.8.2023 15:53:44 [Notification] Received level finalize
5.8.2023 15:53:44 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass clouds.
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] ===============================================================
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] (^_^) No issues captured during startup
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] ===============================================================
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing texteditordialog...
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing debugScreenText...
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing helpdialog...
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing escapemenu...
5.8.2023 15:53:45 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing blockinfohud...
5.8.2023 15:54:00 [Notification] Finished fully loading sounds (async)
5.8.2023 15:54:26 [Notification] Wow, client daytime drifted off significantly from server daytime (22.4 mins)
5.8.2023 15:54:44 [Notification] Client pause state is now on
5.8.2023 15:57:46 [Notification] Destroying game session, waiting up to 200ms for client threads to exit
5.8.2023 15:57:46 [Notification] Stopping single player server
5.8.2023 15:57:47 [Notification] Exiting current game to main menu, reason: leave world button pressed
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1279 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1282 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1291 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1298 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1303 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1315 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1324 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1335 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1353 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1364 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1378 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1395 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1406 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1421 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1432 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1443 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1452 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1460 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1470 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1481 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1484 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1490 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1497 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1501 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1505 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1509 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1511 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1515 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1519 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1526 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1531 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1535 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1539 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window was resized to 1541 1360, rebuilding framebuffers...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] (Re-)loaded frame buffers
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing compositemainmenu...
5.8.2023 15:58:21 [Notification] Window probably resized, recalculating dialog bounds and recomposing gamesettings-graphicsmain...
5.8.2023 15:58:24 [Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
5.8.2023 15:58:24 [Notification] Initialized Server Connection
5.8.2023 15:58:24 [Notification] Server args parsed
5.8.2023 15:58:24 [Notification] Server main instantiated
5.8.2023 15:58:26 [Notification] Destroying game session, waiting up to 200ms for client threads to exit
5.8.2023 15:58:26 [Notification] Stopping single player server
5.8.2023 15:58:29 [Notification] Server launched
5.8.2023 15:58:30 [Warning] Texture with texture id 54 is leaking memory, missing call to Dispose. Set env var TEXTURE_DEBUG_DISPOSE to get allocation trace.
5.8.2023 15:58:37 [Warning] Texture with texture id 33 is leaking memory, missing call to Dispose. Set env var TEXTURE_DEBUG_DISPOSE to get allocation trace.
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Initialized GUI Manager
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Initialized Server Connection
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Server args parsed
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Server main instantiated
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Processed server identification
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Map initialized
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Received server assets
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Loading and pre-starting client side mods...
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]     C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\Mods
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]     C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Found 3 mods (0 disabled)
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: game, creative, survival
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Instantiated 101 mod systems from 3 enabled mods
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Done loading and pre-starting client side mods.
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\assets\survival\
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category lang
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Found 9 external assets in category patches
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Found 54 external assets in category config
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 348 external assets in category sounds
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 3179 external assets in category shapes
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 13 external assets in category shaders
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category shaderincludes
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 5243 external assets in category textures
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 67 external assets in category music
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 18 external assets in category dialog
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Reloaded lang file now with mod assets
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2 patches total, no issues
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Received 3040 item types from server
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Loaded 9252 block types from server
5.8.2023 15:59:09 [Notification] Reloaded sounds, now with mod assets
5.8.2023 15:59:09 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 entities texture atlases from 384 textures
5.8.2023 15:59:09 [Notification] Collected 1802 shapes to tesselate.
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 items texture atlases from 1593 textures
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] Server launched
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Composed 1 4096x4096 blocks texture atlases from 4310 textures
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Server assets loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Started 64 systems on Client:
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemItemRendererOptimizer
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FallingBlockParticlesModSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterExtraDialogs
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityNameTagRendererRegistry
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemClient
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ModSystemBossHealthBars
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemNightVision
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemMeasuringRope
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBoatingSound
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemHandbook
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MealMeshCache
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MicroBlockModelCache
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TradeHandbookInfo
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loading shaders...
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass standard.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlescube.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sky.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass nightsky.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass woittest.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass transparentcompose.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass debugdepthbuffer.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass helditem.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkopaque.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunkliquid.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass decals.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass final.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass gui.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blur.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktransparent.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass findbright.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass chunktopsoil.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass godrays.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass autocamera.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blockhighlights.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass wireframe.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass entityanimated.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass luma.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass blit.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass particlesquad2d.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapentityanimated.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass shadowmapgeneric.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass texture2texture.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass celestialobject.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guitopsoil.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass colorgrade.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass guigear.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass ssao.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass anvilworkitem.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass lines.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass aurora.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass rift.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass machinegear.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass sleepoverlay.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Reloaded shaders now with mod assets
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Received level init
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass instanced.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Loading world map cache db...
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Initialized Music Engine
5.8.2023 15:59:12 [Notification] Texture size is 32 so decal atlas size of 128x128 should suffice
5.8.2023 15:59:12 [Notification] Blocks tesselated
5.8.2023 15:59:13 [Notification] Received level finalize
5.8.2023 15:59:13 [Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass clouds.
5.8.2023 15:59:13 [Notification] ===============================================================
5.8.2023 15:59:13 [Notification] (^_^) No issues captured during startup
5.8.2023 15:59:13 [Notification] ===============================================================
5.8.2023 15:59:14 [Notification] Track music/tuningcylinder/theinvention.ogg now started
5.8.2023 15:59:28 [Notification] Finished fully loading sounds (async)
5.8.2023 16:00:04 [Notification] Wow, client daytime drifted off significantly from server daytime (26.5 mins)

Log server-main

5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Server logger started.
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Game Version: v1.18.7 
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Event] Launching server...
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Event] Server v1.18.7, network v1.18.7, api v1.7.0
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Entering runphase Initialization
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Event] Loading configuration...
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Entering runphase Configuration
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Loading savegame
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Loaded existing save game data. Playstyle: surviveandbuild, Playstyle Lang code: preset-surviveandbuild, WorldType: preset-surviveandbuild
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Savegame C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Saves\voltages hermit world.vcdbs loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] World size = 1024000 256 1024000
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Start discovering assets
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 1 base assets in category blocktypes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category itemtypes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 23 base assets in category lang
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category patches
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 22 base assets in category config
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldproperties
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 46 base assets in category sounds
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 97 base assets in category shapes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 131 base assets in category textures
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category recipes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category worldgen
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 2 base assets in category entities
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 base assets in category compatibility
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 322 base assets in total
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Event] Building assets...
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Entering runphase AssetsReady
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification]     C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\Mods
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification]     C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 3 mods (0 disabled)
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Mods, sorted by dependency: game, creative, survival
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Instantiated 101 mod systems from 3 enabled mods
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] External Origins in load order: modorigin@C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\assets\creative\, modorigin@C:\Users\\Desktop\Vintage Story 1.18.7\assets\survival\
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 395 external assets in category blocktypes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 234 external assets in category itemtypes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category lang
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 9 external assets in category patches
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 54 external assets in category config
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 25 external assets in category worldproperties
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 348 external assets in category sounds
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 3179 external assets in category shapes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 5243 external assets in category textures
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 356 external assets in category recipes
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 423 external assets in category worldgen
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 62 external assets in category entities
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Found 0 external assets in category compatibility
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Reloaded lang file with mod assets
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] Compatibility lib: 0 assets added, 0 assets replaced.
5.8.2023 15:59:04 [Notification] JsonPatch Loader: 2 patches total, successfully applied 2 patches, no issues
5.8.2023 15:59:05 [Notification] Loaded 3039 unique items
5.8.2023 15:59:06 [Notification] Loaded 9250 unique blocks
5.8.2023 15:59:06 [Notification] Loaded 386 unique entities
5.8.2023 15:59:06 [Notification] BlockLoader: Entities, Blocks and Items loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:06 [Event] Remapping blocks and items...
5.8.2023 15:59:06 [Event] 6 cooking recipes loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] 637 crafting recipes loaded from 229 files
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] 9 metal alloys loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] 241 smithing recipes loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] 55 clay forming recipes loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] 36 knapping recipes loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] 140 barrel recipes loaded
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Entering runphase AssetsFinalize
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] Server assets loaded, parsed, registered and finalized
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Event] Initialising systems...
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Entering runphase LoadGamePre
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Reloaded 19 weather patterns, 5 wind patterns and 5 weather events
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Started 88 systems on Server:
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]     Mod 'VSEssentials.dll' (game):
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityPartitioning
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ErrorReporter
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModCompatiblityUtil
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModJsonPatchLoader
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathFindDebug
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.Essentials.PathfindingAsync
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.JsonExport
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModBasicBlocksLoader
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemDormancyStateChecker
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEmotes
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LeafBlockDecay
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.POIRegistry
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RoomRegistry
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemCommands
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WeatherSystemServer
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.WorldMapManager
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NoObf.ModRegistryObjectTypeLoader
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.LoadColorMaps
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClothManager
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GridRecipeLoader
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]     Mod 'VSSurvivalMod.dll' (survival):
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenSnowLayer
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerra
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemControlPoints
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SurvivalCoreSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenTerraPostProcess
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemDetailModeSync
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ModSystemTiledDungeonGenerator
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenHotSprings
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.ChiselBlockBulkSetMaterial
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenFromHeightmap
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRockStrataNew
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.NpcControl
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCreatures
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenMaps
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WgenCommands
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.DebugSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.UpgradeTasks
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCorpseReturnTeleporter
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ClutterBookshelfUtil
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemResoArchiveCommands
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Core
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemSupportBeamPlacer
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ScreenshakeToClientModSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemCatchCreature
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemGliding
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.MyceliumSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemAuction
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.DialogueSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemTutorial
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.LiquidItemStackRenderer
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemStructureLocator
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.CharacterSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.FruitingSystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRifts
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemRiftWeather
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModTemperature
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ResoArchivesSpawnConditions
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.SystemTemporalStability
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModsystemButterflySpawnCondsExtra
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemWearableStats
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemBlockReinforcement
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TemporalStabilityEffects
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModJournal
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModLootRandomizer
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSleeping
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TeleporterManager
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.ModSystemEditableBook
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.Mechanics.MechanicalPowerMod
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDungeons
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenDeposits
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.GenStoryStructures
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructures
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenCaves
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayers
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenPonds
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenStructuresPosPass
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenVegetationAndPatches
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.RecipeRegistrySystem
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenRivulets
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightSurvival
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.RecipeLoader
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.GameContent.TraderOutfits
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]     Mod 'VSCreativeMod.dll' (creative):
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.Core
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.WorldEdit.WorldEdit
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenBlockLayersFlat
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification]         Vintagestory.ServerMods.GenLightCreative
5.8.2023 15:59:07 [Notification] Sending server identification with remap False.  Server control privilege is True
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Server map set
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Entering runphase GameReady
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Event] Starting world generators...
5.8.2023 15:59:08 [Notification] Entering runphase WorldReady
5.8.2023 15:59:09 [Notification] Reloaded 35 tree generators
5.8.2023 15:59:09 [Event] Loading 7x7x8 spawn chunks...
5.8.2023 15:59:09 [Event] 0% (49 in queue)
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] Trying another spawn location (1/5)...
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] Trying another spawn location (2/5)...
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Event] Begin game ticking...
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] Entering runphase RunGame
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] Successfully loaded 42 waypoints
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] Starting server threads
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Event] Singleplayer Server now running!
5.8.2023 15:59:10 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar.
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Upped server view distance because player is locally connected
5.8.2023 15:59:11 [Notification] Placing player at 512339.13863418 111 511948.611611621
5.8.2023 15:59:13 [Event] Voltages joins.
5.8.2023 15:59:13 [Notification] A client reconnected, resuming game calendar.
5.8.2023 16:01:40 [Notification] Server ticking has been suspended
kurazarrh commented 11 months ago

I would be curious to see if this is an issue with older graphics drivers, specifically 22.5.1. I don't recommend trying it, though, since there's a decent chance it'll brick your PC like it did to mine. But AMD made major updates to how it handles OpenGL in the 22.7.1 driver last year, and performance in VS using that and newer drivers is 100% in the garbage. I've been going back and forth with them on this issue, but no resolution so far.