anegostudios / VintageStory-Issues

Vintage Story's public issue tracker for reporting bugs, crashes and the like
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1.20pre7 Creatures are glitched #4400

Open DejFidOFF opened 1 month ago

DejFidOFF commented 1 month ago

Game Version









2 players on the server, medim temoral storm starts, both go sleep and skip the strom. And after I wake up I foound two creatures bugged. They don´t move, not reacting to hit.

How to reproduce

No response


2024-10-30_22-21-22 2024-10-30_22-21-06



AbortRetryFail commented 3 weeks ago

I've encountered this on pre.9 and pre.10 as well. It happens sometimes randomly, but more often during storms or at night. When it does, non-monster mobs like animals also not moving, not reacting to hits, but still wasting weapon/tool durability.

If you throw items or break blocks while this is happening, they just appear to float/orbit until you walk under them and pick them up.

wat4 wat3 wat2 wat

AbortRetryFail commented 3 weeks ago

I think this is some kind of server/client desync problem where the server keeps moving things but the client never gets updated.

I have a multiplayer server (Linux 1.20.0-pre.13) where this has gotten really bad to the point where exploring caves or fighting monsters is impossible because you're constantly being hit by things that your client doesn't even show.