anekos / hledger-vim

For writing hledger journal
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Invite to collaborate on vim-ledger #2

Open alerque opened 4 years ago

alerque commented 4 years ago

Hey there @anekos! When I first got into plain text accounting I first had to sort out whether I was going to use ledger or hledger, then I looked for vim plugins. I initially tried this one because I had settled on hledger, but found it fairly incomplete. I eventually discovered that the vim-ledger plugin was actually reasonably compatible and was much more complete than this one. I dropped this and never looked back, until just recently.

Along the way I started having issues with that plugin, and eventually got access as a maintainer. I've been working on cleaning it up since, have worked through the entire PR backlog, a fair number of the bug reports and even a few feature requests.

Along the way I've started to bake in hledger support. First I stopped allowing things that were ledger only and broke hledger, now it has two modes and tweaks some of it's actions depending on the backend. I wouldn't say it's a great plugin as it still has quite a few rough edges, but it's getting better.

In considering what full blown hledger support would look like I ran across this plugin again and see now that it has a few interesting features not currently a part of vim-ledger. Because of all the other things lacking I can't very well switch this direction, but I think it would be reasonable to bring what this plugin features into vim-ledger.

  1. Do you still use this yourself?
  2. Would you be willing for bits of this code to be ripped off and integrated elsewhere? The vim-ledger plugin is GPL licensed, but I see this repository has no explicit license so its not really clear what your intention was.
  3. Would you be interested in working with me to integrate the best of these two plugins? Is that something you would use in the end? If we got to feature parity could we deprecate this so it was clear to end users what to use and where to contribute going forward?

I hope this doesn't sound demanding, I'm really just looking for the best route to cooperation and a good plugin for myself and others to use! Please let me know if you have other ideas.

See also:

anekos commented 4 years ago


Yes. Always with this plugin I edit hledger's journal.


I intented to have published this plugin as OSS. So I added a LICENSE (GPL) file.


If this plugin would be merged well and I start using the new plugin (vim-ledger), I will probably deprecate this plugin. I'm not sure if I can cooperate with the integration, but I'll try that plugin anyway.


alerque commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the response, and for adding the license. The next time I have time to tinker with this (no guarantees as to when that might be) I'll work on porting some of the missing features.