angel-manuel / COSMOSpheres

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Added Bullying OP and Kamikaze Trolling #34

Closed Salok closed 11 years ago

Salok commented 11 years ago

We need to check Bullying OP for bugs. The first function should work properly but as the IDE is down I haven't been able to check the others. You'll need to change phase1 and phase2 to make it work properly.

Ignore the changes to phase1 and Kamikaze Trolling unless you can make KamikazeDetecting be less sensible because it makes our sphere paranoid.

Wxalex98 commented 11 years ago

Hey Salok, check this out. I've been working on a kamikaze counter lately, and i think it could be a nice strategy. We could fusion both kamikaze programs and see if we can improve it. Since i haven't focused on the detector, the program just checks if the distances are shortening and tries to counter it when they're more or less at the same Y position. We could also use your debris field plan. What do you think about it?

angel-manuel commented 11 years ago

Now on branch I don't know how to call the bullying functions. Please write the calls on phase1 and phase2