angel96 / Design-Testing1

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[Authority] Un actor que esta autenticado como ADMINISTRATOR debe poder... #129

Closed angel96 closed 5 years ago

angel96 commented 5 years ago
  1. An actor who is authenticated as an administrator must be able to:

    • [ ] 1. Launch a process that computes a score for every customer and handy worker. The score is computed building on the endorsements that they’ve got. The system must analyse the comments in the endorsements and compute the number of positive words (p) and the number of negative words (n). The score must be computed as p – n normalised to range -1.00 up to +1.00 using a linear homothetic transformation.
    • [ ] 2. Manage the lists of positive and negative words that the system uses to compute the scores, which includes listing, showing, creating, updating, and deleting them.
  2. An actor who is authenticated as an administrator must be able to:

    • [x] 1. Create an account for a new referee.
    • [ ] 2. Display a listing of suspicious actors. An actor is considered suspicious if he or she publishes some data that includes spam words.
    • [ ] 3. Ban an actor who is considered suspicious, which means that his or her user account is de-activated.
    • [ ] 4. Unban an actor, which means that his or her user account is re-activated.
    • [ ] 5. Display a dashboard with the following information:  The minimum, the maximum, the average, and the standard deviation of the number of complaints per fix-up task.  The minimum, the maximum, the average, and the standard deviation of the number of notes per referee report.  The ratio of fix-up tasks with a complaint.  The top-three customers in terms of complaints.  The top-three handy workers in terms of complaints.
  3. An actor who is authenticated as an administrator must be able to:

    • [ ] 1. Create user accounts for new administrators.
    • [ ] 2. Manage the catalogue of warranties, which includes listing, showing, creating, updating, and deleting them. A warranty can be updated or deleted as long as it is saved in draft mode. Once it’s saved in final mode, it cannot be edited or deleted. Only warranties that are saved in final mode can be referenced by fix-up tasks.
    • [ ] 3. Manage the catalogue of categories, which includes listing, showing, creating, updating, and deleting them. Note that categories evolve independently from fix-up tasks, which means that they can be created, modified, or deleted independently from whether they are referenced from a fix-up task or not.
    • [ ] 4. Broadcast a message to all of the actors of the system.
    • [ ] 5. Display a dashboard with the following information:  The average, the minimum, the maximum, and the standard deviation of the number of fix-up tasks per user.  The average, the minimum, the maximum, and the standard deviation of the number of applications per fix-up task.  The average, the minimum, the maximum, and the standard deviation of the maximum price of the fix-up tasks.  The average, the minimum, the maximum, and the standard deviation of the price offered in the applications.  The ratio of pending applications.  The ratio of accepted applications.  The ratio of rejected applications.  The ratio of pending applications that cannot change its status because their time period’s elapsed.  The listing of customers who have published at least 10% more fix-up tasks than the average, ordered by number of applications.  The listing of handy workers who have got accepted at least 10% more applications than the average, ordered by number of applications.