angelajholden / fiberandkraft

An e-commerce platform designed for fiber enthusiasts looking to purchase custom blend wool and hand-dyed yarn.
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User Story - Checkout #10

Open angelajholden opened 2 months ago

angelajholden commented 2 months ago

User Story

As a customer, I want several payment options, so I can easily checkout and order my items.

Feature Description

<action> the <result> <by|for|of|to> <object>

Enable the checkout to provide several payment methods.

Input User clicks checkout basket/button.

Activation Checkout page loads with distinct options displayed.

Action User selects payment method they prefer to complete their purchase.

Output When purchase is complete a confirmation page loads with a list of the items purchased.

Fully Dressed Use Case

Input Action
Customer clicks checkout button Checkout page loads and displays payment options

Noun Extraction

CRC Cards (tables)

Customer class
Responsibilities Collaborators
store customer information Checkout class
store previous orders Order class
store order tracking
Checkout class
Responsibilities Collaborators
calculate total order Payment Class
update item counts Order Class
calculate shipping
calculate sales tax
apply coupon code
Payment Options class
Responsibilities Collaborators
display payment options Order Class
Checkout class
Order class
Responsibilities Collaborators
capture payment method Payment Options class
add to order history Customer class
add order to fulfillment queue
confirm order details for customer

Checkout narration



Customer: Hello Checkout, I've made my selections and I want to complete my purchase. Checkout: Certainly! Order, can you calculate the total cost? Payment Options, can you show Customer your payment gateways? Payment Options: Hi Customer, I can offer you (this many) ways to pay. Customer: Thanks, but first I want Checkout to help me update from 2 of this item, to just 1 of this item. Checkout: No problem, I've updated the number of items. Order, can you please recalculate the total cost? Customer: Payment Options, I'd like to pay with my credit card. Payment Options: Order, here is Customer's credit card information. Order: Thank you for doing business with us, Customer. Here is a receipt for your purchase and I've emailed you a confirmation of our transaction. You'll receive another email in 24-28 hours when we ship your items. That email will contain a link to track your order.

angelajholden commented 2 months ago

Can Add to Cart and update quantity in the Cart, but refreshing the page clears Cart. Also - quantity exceeds available count.