angelajholden / fiberandkraft

An e-commerce platform designed for fiber enthusiasts looking to purchase custom blend wool and hand-dyed yarn.
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User Story - Accessbility #4

Closed angelajholden closed 4 months ago

angelajholden commented 4 months ago

User Story

As a legally blind customer, I want to shop with a screen reader, so I can easily purchase yarn to enjoy my hobbies.

Feature Description

<action> the <result> <by|for|of|to> <object>

Code the HTML5 markup for users who browse with screen readers.

Input User initiates screen reader on webpage.

Activation Screen reader software navigates the web page.

Action Screen reader reads web page content and navigation links to user.

Output Users can understand the web page layout and navigation.

Fully Dressed Use Case

Input Action
Screenreader initialized on page load Screenreader begins reading page from top to bottom, left to right
Screenreader listens for voice commands to navigate page Screenreader follows voice commands to move forward or backward
angelajholden commented 4 months ago

Elements are accessible with a screen reader.