angelajholden / fiberandkraft

An e-commerce platform designed for fiber enthusiasts looking to purchase custom blend wool and hand-dyed yarn.
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User Story - Search #5

Open angelajholden opened 4 months ago

angelajholden commented 4 months ago

User Story

As a customer, I want to search for items, so I don't have to scroll or click multiple pages to find what I want.

Feature Description

<action> the <result> <by|for|of|to> <object>

Implement the search functionality by filtering products by their name and a keyword rich description.

Input Users begin typing a search term in the search input field.

Activation JavaScript event listener uses input to filter products by keyword or title.

Action If search term matches a product title or description, those products are returned as the query.

Output Real time list of results appear for user to click and go directly to a product page.

Fully Dressed Use Case

Input Action
User types search term Input event listener compares search term to title and keyword/description
Text input focus Text input receives appropriate CSS/accessibility outline and styles
500ms delay when typing stops Modal div appears with linked search results