angelajholden / fiberandkraft

An e-commerce platform designed for fiber enthusiasts looking to purchase custom blend wool and hand-dyed yarn.
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User Story - Do not track #6

Open angelajholden opened 4 months ago

angelajholden commented 4 months ago

User Story

As a customer, I want the option to not be tracked, so that I can browse products without marketing cookies added to my browser and device.

Feature Description

<action> the <result> <by|for|of|to> <object>

Load the analytics tracking code for users who consent to be tracked.

Input Users click "Allow All" to consent to tracking.

Activation Tracking script is a function that is initialized when the "Allow All" button is clicked.

Action When the script loads the user is tracked.

Output User data is collected.

Fully Dressed Use Case

Input Action
User clicks "Allow All" Analytics tracking script loads
User clicks "Reject All" Nothing happens/script does not load

Noun Extraction

CRC Cards (table)

Customer class
Responsibilities Collaborators
store customer information Order class
store previous orders
store order tracking
Option class
Responsibilities Collaborators
button to 'Allow All' Customer class
button to 'Reject All' Tracking class
Marketing Cookies class
Tracking class
Responsibilities Collaborators
analytics script Option class
Cookie class
Products class
Products class
Responsibilities Collaborators
product page customer views Customer class
Cookies class
Responsibilities Collaborators
how long cookie is stored Option class
how the cookie is used Tracking class
if a cookie can be blocked Customer class

Do not track narration



Customer: I'm shopping for hand dyed yarn on this website. Option: Tracking, we have a new Customer, but please do not track until I ask for permission. Option: Hello Customer, can I track your behavior while you look around? I care about your privacy, and I will never sell your personal data. But I will use your browsing behavior to remember the Products you look at. I'll keep asking until you 'Accept All' or 'Reject All'. Customer: Sure! I accept all tracking and appreciate that you care about my privacy. Option: Tracking, you may implement the tracking script to begin collecting data. Cookies, you should remember the Customer's answer and set a 30 day timer. After 30 days have passed, I will ask Customer again if they consent to be tracked. Products: Hello Customer. I'm going to remember that you admired me. You might see me again as you browse other websites where I market myself to all of my Customers.