angelnu / docker-ccu

Script to create a docker container with the CCU2 firmware
Apache License 2.0
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Import YAHM Backup #27

Closed JackGruber closed 5 years ago

JackGruber commented 5 years ago


after I import a Backup from CCU YAHM, i get the follow errors. 2018-12-28 13_05_08-homematic webui2018-12-28 13_04_56-homematic webui2018-12-28 13_05_02-homematic webui

docker logs -t ccu docker_logs.log

angelnu commented 5 years ago

The log shows that the rfd service did not come up after restoring the backup. The HMipServer did on the first boot after restoring the backup but it did not on the second: did you change something between both?

Can you please attach your /var/lib/docker/volumes/ccu_data/_data/etc/config/rfd.conf (a sym link is created by into your local folder) and the output of docker exec ccu cat /tmp/hmserver.log?

JackGruber commented 5 years ago

No i change nothing after the backup import.


# TCP Port for XmlRpc connections
Listen Port = 32001

Log Destination = Syslog
Log Identifier = rfd
Log Level = 1

Persist Keys = 1

# PID File = /var/
# UDS File = /var/socket_rfd

Device Description Dir = /firmware/rftypes
Device Files Dir = /etc/config/rfd
Key File = /etc/config/keys
Address File = /etc/config/ids
Firmware Dir = /firmware
Replacemap File = /firmware/rftypes/replaceMap/rfReplaceMap.xml
Fire NACK Error Events = true
Improved Coprocessor Initialization = false

[Interface 0]
Type = CCU2
ComPortFile = /dev/mmd_bidcos
#AccessFile = /dev/null
#ResetFile = /dev/ccu2-ic200

rfd -l 0 -c

Config file is /etc/config/rfd.conf
2018/12/28 14:35:03.869 <Info> BidCoS-Service started
2018/12/28 14:35:03.870 <Info> XmlRpc Server is listening on TCP port 32001
2018/12/28 14:35:03.874  RFFirmwareManager: Registered user-deployed device firmware version 1.2 for device id 219.
2018/12/28 14:35:03.874  RFFirmwareManager: Registered user-deployed device firmware version 1.3 for device id 173.
2018/12/28 14:35:03.874  RFFirmwareManager: Registered user-deployed device firmware version 1.4 for device id 149.
2018/12/28 14:35:03.874  RFFirmwareManager: Registered user-deployed device firmware version 2.5 for device id 172.
2018/12/28 14:35:03.875 <Error> Init failed. Parameter 'AccessFile' not set in bidcos configuration file.
2018/12/28 14:35:03.876 <Error> No BidCoS-Interface available
2018/12/28 14:35:03.876 <Warning> Error initializing interfaces

eq3configcmd update-coprocessor -p /dev/mmd_bidcos -c -se -d /firmware 2018/12/28 14:36:46.198 <Info> SerialNumber: NEQ1332020

eq3configcmd update-coprocessor -p /dev/mmd_bidcos -c -v -d /firmware 2018/12/28 14:37:20.928 <Info> Version: 2.8.6


angelnu commented 5 years ago

Please stop the container, delete /var/lib/docker/volumes/ccu_data/_data/etc/config/rfd.confand start it again so that the rfd.conf is copied fresh from the template. The new one is compatible with Homematic and Homematic IP in parallel.

If it does not work again then please attach again the docker logs, rfd.conf and hmserver.log.

JackGruber commented 5 years ago

No, unfortunately not.


# TCP Port for XmlRpc connections
Listen Port = 32001

Log Destination = Syslog
Log Identifier = rfd
Log Level = 1

Persist Keys = 1

# PID File = /var/
# UDS File = /var/socket_rfd

Device Description Dir = /firmware/rftypes
Device Files Dir = /etc/config/rfd
Key File = /etc/config/keys
Address File = /etc/config/ids
Firmware Dir = /firmware
Replacemap File = /firmware/rftypes/replaceMap/rfReplaceMap.xml
Fire NACK Error Events = true
Improved Coprocessor Initialization = false

[Interface 0]
Type = CCU2
ComPortFile = /dev/mmd_bidcos
#AccessFile = /dev/null
#ResetFile = /dev/ccu2-ic200

Lofiles: hmserver.log docker_logs.log

angelnu commented 5 years ago

This looks like an old version of the container, before I removed the patch to disable the Improved Coprocessor Initialization. Could you please do a docker pull angelnu/ccu:3 to ensure you are on the latest?

JackGruber commented 5 years ago

OK, I think there's another problem.

I delete the volumes and containers and make a docker and git pull. The first start works fine, after a restart the HmIP-RF ist not workin anymore. At this point i have not imported the CCU backup.

hmserver.log docker_logs.log

JackGruber commented 5 years ago

OK, after the import of the Backup the HmIP-RF is workink, but the BidCos-RF not. docker_logs_import.log hmserver_import.log


# TCP Port for XmlRpc connections
Listen Port = 32001

Log Destination = Syslog
Log Identifier = rfd
Log Level = 1

Persist Keys = 1

# PID File = /var/
# UDS File = /var/socket_rfd

Device Description Dir = /firmware/rftypes
Device Files Dir = /etc/config/rfd
Key File = /etc/config/keys
Address File = /etc/config/ids
Firmware Dir = /firmware
Replacemap File = /firmware/rftypes/replaceMap/rfReplaceMap.xml
Fire NACK Error Events = true
Improved Coprocessor Initialization = false

[Interface 0]
Type = CCU2
ComPortFile = /dev/mmd_bidcos
#AccessFile = /dev/null
#ResetFile = /dev/ccu2-ic200
JackGruber commented 5 years ago

I found the problem.

I changed in the rfd.conf Improved Coprocessor Initialization to true

angelnu commented 5 years ago

Good. I added a note to the README about how to deal with the broken RFD after restoring a backup.