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Include nuclei, membrane channel and tissue_type in dataset generation and training #43

Closed JLrumberger closed 1 year ago

JLrumberger commented 1 year ago


Store a nuclei and a membrane channel in the tfrecord for every example and use it as additional input during training.

Relevant background

Mike said for him it would be easier to tell if a cell is positive/negative for a given marker if he sees the nuclei and cell membrane that are visible in other channels. Thus we want to include two additional maps:

Also we'll include one additional feature called tissue_type.

Design overview

SegmentationTFRecords will get two additional inputs nuclei_channels and membrane_channels that expects a list of marker names. The class also gets a new class function make_composite(marker_list) that loads the images specified in the lists above and returns the mean over the channels. Then these two new channels will be stored as two new features nuclei_img and membrane_img in each example in the tfrecord. In class ModelBuilder we'll change prep_batches to accept a list of features. On first glance, augmentations should work with this additional channels without any changes.

Code mockup


Required inputs

nuclei_channels (list): contains the channel names that we turn into the nuclei channel membrane_channels (list): containts the channel names that we turn into the membrane channel

Output files

.tfrecord file that contains two additional features nuclei_img and membrane_img.

Timeline Give a rough estimate for how long you think the project will take. In general, it's better to be too conservative rather than too optimistic.

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