angeloocana / gatsby-plugin-i18n

Multi language routes for Gatsby
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Add a gatsby-starter-transformer-remark-i18n starter repo #34

Open mccrodp opened 6 years ago

mccrodp commented 6 years ago

Hey, as was discussed over at about adding a starter repo, such as gatsby-starter-transformer-remark-i18n for transform remark blog w/ i18n.

Do you think that it would be better located in this repo, here: or accessible via the Gatsby README as a separate repo?

Either that, or I wonder if we can add all necessary steps to the docs Perhaps a starter repo is easier, but I don't want to focus on fixing these issues unless you think it's beneficial.

My opinion, as someone whose strongest suit is not JS (currently) is that beginners will benefit, but anyone with decent JS will be able to figure it out from the current docs and a simple knowledge of Gatsby easy enough.

angeloocana commented 6 years ago

Congratulations @mccrodp ! Nice job!

I think it is better to live in another repo, because of that:

mccrodp commented 6 years ago

Gotcha, thanks, will try to follow up on this. Do you think it's useful to link out to any of these starter repos from this plugin monorepo? It might be handy for people to get a headstart on using it with dynamic content. i.e. - markdown remark, contentful cms, netlify cms (in future hopefully), etc.

angeloocana commented 6 years ago

What do you mean by link? Add a link to the docs? If yes, feel free to edit the readme and anything you want to improve! You are welcome!