angeloocana / gatsby-plugin-i18n

Multi language routes for Gatsby
434 stars 77 forks source link

'Cannot query field "langKey" on type "fields". #49

Open nartc opened 6 years ago

nartc commented 6 years ago


I'm trying to get gatsby-plugin-i18n to work with my blog. I keep getting this error when I run gatsby develop and I couldn't find the solution anywhere.

// my gatsby-config.js

const languages = require('./data/languages');

module.exports = {
    siteMetadata: {
        title: `My website`,
        googleVerification: `abcdefz`,
        disqus: `gatsby-typescript`,
    mapping: {
        '': `AuthorJson`
    plugins: [
        // Expose `/data` to graphQL layer
            resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
            options: {
                name: `data`,
                path: `${__dirname}/data`

            resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics`,
            options: {
                trackingId: 'YOUR_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID',
                // Puts tracking script in the head instead of the body
                head: false,
                // Setting this parameter is optional
                anonymize: true,
                // Setting this parameter is also optional
                respectDNT: true

        // Parse all markdown files (each plugin add/parse some data into graphQL layer)
            resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
            options: {
                plugins: [
                        resolve: `gatsby-remark-images`,
                        options: {
                            maxWidth: 690,
                            backgroundColor: `#f7f0eb`,
                            showCaptions: true

            resolve: `gatsby-plugin-i18n`,
            options: {
                langKeyDefault: 'en',
                useLangKeyLayout: false,
                markdownRemark: {
                    postPage: 'src/templates/blog-post.tsx',
                    query: `
                          allMarkdownRemark {
                              edges {
                              node {
                                  fields {

            resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-i18n-tags',
            options: { // Default options
                tagPage: 'src/templates/tags-page.tsx',
                tagsUrl: '/tags/',
                langKeyForNull: 'any'

        // Parse all images files

        // Parse JSON files

        // Add typescript stack into webpack

        // This plugin takes your configuration and generates a
        // web manifest file so your website can be added to your
        // homescreen on Android.
        /* eslint-disable camelcase */
            resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
            options: {
                name: `Gatsby website`,
                short_name: `Gatsby website`,
                start_url: `/`,
                background_color: `#f7f7f7`,
                theme_color: `#191919`,
                display: `minimal-ui`
        /* eslint-enable camelcase */

        // This plugin generates a service worker and AppShell
        // html file so the site works offline and is otherwise
        // resistant to bad networks. Works with almost any
        // site!

Any help is appreciated. Let me know if you need to see anything else.

Charlynux commented 5 years ago

Just meet the same error message.

Problem come from onCreateNode which reject my blog posts for not having 'isInPagesPaths' at true. By default, pagesPaths is ['/src/pages/'].

So I "fix" this with a correct configuration (my markdowns are in content/blog) :

      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-i18n',
      options: {
        langKeyDefault: 'en',
        useLangKeyLayout: false,
        pagesPaths: [`${__dirname}/content/blog`]
davidcostadev commented 5 years ago

Hello guys, I'm trying to implement yours package on my website and I'm followed the README documentation, I do that is there but I'm catching this error:


There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot query field "langKey" on type "MarkdownRemarkFields".

File: node_modules/gatsby-plugin-i18n/createPages.js:46:10

This is the source with error:

davidcostadev commented 5 years ago

Hum... I did what @Charlynux suggest and works. But I think that its need to be added on README too

davidcostadev commented 5 years ago

Sorry for flood, but I'm getting this error now:

  Error: A plugin tried to update a node field that it doesn't own:
  Node id: 7fc40a6e-82c9-5435-a8d6-aa777602b901
  Plugin: default-site-plugin
  name: slug
  value: /hello-world/
warn The plugin "gatsby-plugin-i18n" used a reserved field name in the context object when creating a page:

  * "path"

    "path": "/hello-world/",
    "component": "/Users/davidcosta/workplace/fun/",
    "context": {
        "path": "/hello-world/",
        "slug": "/hello-world/",
        "langKey": "en"
    "layout": "en"
joaorsfonseca commented 5 years ago

I can't fix it with pagesPaths setting.. Anyone? My code is available here

I can't reach langKey setting. Mine md structure is a little bit different.


lucsrods commented 4 years ago

Just in case someone else end up here, after applying Charlynux's suggestion I also faced the error:

Error: A plugin tried to update a node field that it doesn't own:

After doing some digging here's what fixed for me:

cbix commented 3 years ago

Also, don't forget to add

fields {

to your query. It's obvious but I just spent an hour debugging why I couldn't access langKey from inside the createPages definition 🤦

vitorreis commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @Charlynux and @lucsrods the combination of your insights made it work