angelos3lex / react-native-smtp-mailer

Send emails by connecting to smtp server+attachments, using android javamail and ios mailcore2
39 stars 32 forks source link

Can't give me full response #27

Open AahilShahzad opened 4 years ago

AahilShahzad commented 4 years ago

hey there?? i am use this library everything is working fine but this library can't give me full response i'm using mailgun credentials for maintaining email sent history mail sending to mailgun working fine but can't give me full response of mailgun this library just give success like {'status ': 'SUCCESS'} but i need full reponse of mailgun generated

AahilShahzad commented 4 years ago

"react-native": "^0.61.3", "react-native-smtp-mailer": "^1.2.2",

AahilShahzad commented 4 years ago

if you can help this is really great full for me

MarkusPettersson98 commented 4 years ago

Quite a shameless plug here, but I exercise my rights that the MIT license gives me..

I am using this library myself in production already, and I can't thank the original author enough for his work. However, I have noticed that this project has stagnated quite a bit, which is fine really since it is an open source project primarily developed by a single person in his spare time. Because this library quite small in scope I have forked this project in order to keep improving it myself hoping to address the following 'pain points':

Moving forward

So what I have to show for it at the moment is a re-write of both the Android and iOS code in Kotlin and Swift respectively. These languages are more closely related to each other than Java and Objective-C are, which I think will make it easier to maintain feature parity between Android and iOS going forward. Kotlin and Swift also bring a lot more to the table when it comes to functional programming, and I think more concepts from modern Javascript (ES6) maps better to these languages than to Java or Objective-C.

My fork can be found here, and I will gladly discuss with the community how they want things to move forward with all of this. I am in the process of finishing up a few reworks of the api, and when I'm done I will update the readme and example project and release my fork as a new NPM package. I think your suggestion sounds interesting @AahilShahzad, so please bring the discussion over there if you want to.

Once again, thanks to the original author @angelos3lex for his work which inspired me enough to do all of this.

angelos3lex commented 4 years ago

Hey @MarkusPettersson98 . You're right in everything, i can't at all disagree. Unfortunately, due to lack of time and enough work load on other aspects, i have not the time to contribute to this library as much as the community needs. You're more than welcome to be added as a maintainer at this library, or continue on on your fork, whatever suits you best.

LuizFBrisighello commented 4 years ago

@MarkusPettersson98 Im not able to open a issue on your repo neither install the package.

MarkusPettersson98 commented 4 years ago

@LuizFBrisighello I'm so sorry that this has been delayed, but I'm in the midst of finishing my bachelor thesis, so I won't be working on this til the end of May at least. I'll reach out when it's go time :)

LuizFBrisighello commented 4 years ago

@MarkusPettersson98 Its absolutely fine, like you, I too am grateful for every dev/contributor on projects and modules, as a junior mobile dev it is already a huge help, but I still have issues trying to debug and understand things. When you do reach, I'll be ready to dive in.