angelos3lex / react-native-smtp-mailer

Send emails by connecting to smtp server+attachments, using android javamail and ios mailcore2
39 stars 32 forks source link

Sending messages is not allowed on this server #38

Closed stefandbd closed 3 years ago

stefandbd commented 3 years ago

Posting this issue here for anyone who has difficulties with it. Pay attention to 2 things:

attachmentPaths: [], attachmentNames: [], attachmentTypes: [],

otherwise, the same error might happen.

Feel free to close the issue, it is just a solution for whomever needs it 👍

angelos3lex commented 3 years ago

Thanks! For the first bullet, i sometime need to update the docs to make much more clear what are the required fields and what's their purpose. For the second bullet, the lib needs a refactor in some point, to not need these fields if someone doesn't want to attach files. It's just some more if additions that are missing on the bridges. Hopefully i'll go into these when the time allows