angelozerr / eclipse-wtp-webresources

Provides completion, hyperlink, hover inside WTP HTML editor for Web Resources (CSS, JS, Images)
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Cause eclipse freeze #20

Closed Tony-Proum closed 9 years ago

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

The plugin cause eclipse freeze or being really slow when editing html files. The memory usage is unstable when eclipse became slowly

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@gamerson pay attention, it seems that there is a big problem with WTP WebResources (memory, slow problem). I will study that.

paulvi commented 9 years ago

:+1: sign up

jabby commented 9 years ago

Just some information about UI freeze with this plugin. For me, the main freeze appear when I write content in class attribute on html tags.

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

@jabby If you reproduce it easily could you attach a thread dump?

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@kaloyan-raev I'm very busy now because I'm preparing a presentation of for JUG Paris but I have planned to improve WTP Web resources after.

Today I scan the whole files of project for each type of web resources (js, css, img) and I store in memory each IFile which are web resources. More I have seen a problem for some web resources which are not found although they exist?

I think to improve WTP Web resources performance, we should :

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr Sounds like a good plan. Good luck with your presentation!

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

Thank's @kaloyan-raev !

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@Tony-Proum @jabby I have tried to fix performance problem whit a lot of mean (I have an idea to improve again CSS class validation).

Could you please install the 0.70-SNAPSHOT and tell me if you UI freeze problem disappear?


Just for your info, you can install just WTP WebResources without installing AngularJS Eclipse.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@gamerson I have done a lot of refactoring, please test in your side if I have not broken something. Thank's!

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr Thank's, I will try that as soon as possible.

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr Seem's to work : the memory usage stay stable when editing html files, and eclipse don't freeze. It's seems not very quick but do the job

Good work!

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

Hi, @angelozerr the feeling of slowness I had yesterday seem's to be due to my computer's lags. Today, everything work quickly and the issue may be close in my opinion.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@Tony-Proum thank a lot for having tested this issue!

I think I have improved a lot performance, but I think we could improve a little again but not sure that it's very important. Today when for each CSS class which must be validated, we parse every time the full CSS files. My idea is when validation is done for HTML file :

the feeling of slowness I had yesterday seem's to be due to my computer's lags

Have you this problem with uninstalled wtp webresources?

gamerson commented 9 years ago

Hey Angelo,

What exact refactoring did you do? Is the API the same?

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Angelo wrote:

@gamerson I have done a lot of refactoring, please test in your side if I have not broken something. Thank's!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Greg Amerson Liferay Developer Tools Liferay, Inc.

jabby commented 9 years ago

I tested the new version yesterday and it was not so fast but eclipse didn't freeze. I will try with a fresh install as soon as possible. Maybe it's a problem with my project configuration.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

What exact refactoring did you do?

Is the API the same?

I think I have not changed the API, but please check that it doesn't break something in your side.

I tested the new version yesterday and it was not so fast but eclipse didn't freeze.

@jabby it should be very cool if you could share your project. Thank's!

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

I have a memory dump from Zend Studio with some huge projects in the workspace. The version of the eclipse-wtp-webresources plugins is from Nov 15. I will try to have a look at the dump, but wanted to share it if anyone else is interested too.

The memory dump is available here:

More details about the situation are available here:

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@kaloyan-raev it should be really interesting to do the same test with last version of wtp webresources.

The basic idea os to loop for each files of the workkspace to discover folder which host web resources.

To do that, I have implemented the WTP AbytractIndexManager.

Please tell me if you have problem again with memory or performance. Thank's!

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr if you mean 2b2bee13f440029420a1ca96ab5b0aa3cf9ca19a, it should be already included in the version of the plugin used by this user. The version number of the plugins is "" installed from the 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT update site.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@kaloyan-raev if you are sure that is included it's very annoying -(

But perhaps that it i snot included can improve too memory (if CSS and other files are in the same folder).

As I have explained, the basic idea is to loop for each files of the workkspace to discover folder which host web resources. @kaloyan-raev have you already done that (loop for files of workspace to do something).

The issue will fix this problem, but it means that user must configure the project to benefit with WTP web resources.

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

Perhaps, we are looking in the wrong direction. I opened the memory dump in Yourkit Profiler. Here is are the top objects by retained size:


We can see that some CSS model object are holding 50% of the heap.

On this screen we can see that these objects are collected in a Vector in CSSHyperlinkTraverser. The traversedSheets vector is actually a member of the org.eclipse.wst.css.core.internal.util.AbstractCssTraverser class.


As far as I can understand, the user has projects more than 3,000 CSS files. For each of them there is a CSSStyleSheetImpl object stored in a Vector that blows the available memory. In the memory dump taken a minute later, the number of CSSStyleSheetImpl object grows from 3,080 to 3,218 - eating even more memory.

Can this be optimized?

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

Many thank's @kaloyan-raev for your analyse.

It seems problems comes from WTP CSS plugin, so it's a bad news -(

Can this be optimized?

I'm afraid, no-( And I think WTP guys will reject this issue, because you open never in a CSS editor (which loads CSSModel) 3000 CSS files in the same time.

To fix this problem, we should perhaps provide a preferences settings to ignore some folder to avoid parsing 3000 CSS files which could be not used in a HTML file.

I think to fix this problem, is not to use WTP CSS model to retrieve CSS classes but implement a SAC Parser (it will not work for CSS content which is not valid) to collec CSS class names. A SAC Parser is the same thing than SAX Parsre but for CSS.

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

BTW, why do you need to traverse all files in the workspace?

If I need code completion for CSS classes in the HTML editor, I need only the CSS files, referenced in the edited HTML file, to be parsed, not all CSS files in my workspace.

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

Bad news for me : the problem reappears since i use eclipse more intensively. it's seems due to css files parsing too : when i remove this specific validation it works a little better.

In order to be reactive I had to remove the plugin : eclipse and my computer became really slow. (certainly due to excessive files access)

gamerson commented 9 years ago

Hey Angelo, this reminds me of the memory bug we fixed in the eclipse-wtp-xmlsearch were loading the full model class for big files was expensive. Here it isn't big files but lots of them.

Is there anyway to get the CSSMOdelImpl to just load the fault-tolerate parser but not load all of the model adapters and queries, extensions, etc?

When we analyzed our bug in xmlsearch there was only one DOMModel but there were tons of JTreeLine Trackers, etc. If you look in Kaloyan's list you can see there are 300Mb+ of ITextRegion type classes. Those are used only if the CSSDOMModel is planning on every displaying that data in an editor.

Is there a way that we could get CSSModelImpl to do just a basic DOM load and not load all the secondary objects that are created as a part of the dom like text regions line style trackers and providers, etc?

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Angelo wrote:

Many thank's @kaloyan-raev for your analyse.

It seems problems comes from WTP CSS plugin, so it's a bad news -(

Can this be optimized?

I'm afraid, no-( And I think WTP guys will reject this issue, because you open never in a CSS editor (which loads CSSModel) 3000 CSS files in the same time.

To fix this problem, we should perhaps provide a preferences settings to ignore some folder to avoid parsing 3000 CSS files which could be not used in a HTML file.

I think to fix this problem, is not to use WTP CSS model to retrieve CSS classes but implement a SAC Parser (it will not work for CSS content which is not valid) to collec CSS class names. A SAC Parser is the same thing than SAX Parsre but for CSS.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Greg Amerson Liferay Developer Tools Liferay, Inc.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

If I need code completion for CSS classes in the HTML editor, I need only the CSS files, referenced in the edited HTML file, to be parsed, not all CSS files in my workspace.

Sorry it's not whole files from workspace but from the project. But this rule is applyied only when HTML page has none declaration of link element OR if link has not rel="stylesheet" (is it normal?)

Indeed for PHP or JSP page which include some other PHP/JSP, we must search from css files coming from the project (the better thing is that include is managed correctly, but I think it's hard).

In other words.:

It seems that searching CSS class name from the whole CSS files of the project give memory problem (in my case, no problem even with dojo project which contains a lot of CSS, but my computer is powerfull)

So I think to fix memory problem, we should have a preference setting to enable/disable search from the whole CSS files of the project or not when HTML page doesn't contains link (or link without rel="stylesheet")

By default this preference will be disable, so JSP page whithout link declaration but which include some other JSP which declare link, will not work. @gamerson is it a problem?

Hey Angelo, this reminds me of the memory bug we fixed in the eclipse-wtp-xmlsearch were loading the full model class for big files was expensive

It's not the same problem here : for WTP XML search it was when we check XML content type for each file. Here we need to load CSSDOMModel to retrieve CSS class names.

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

It would be great if we can switch on/off this behavior via a preference. If we have a preference then, in my case, the default value is not important, because I can set it in the plugin_customization.ini file of my product. Even an UI for the preference is not necessary.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

Ok @kaloyan-raev I will do it ASAP.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@kaloyan-raev I have added a new preferences Search CSS id and class in all CSS files (if no link)? :


By default this option is disable, so the CSS ID, class are searched (for compeltion, hyperlink, validation, hover) only for CSS files declared in the HTML page :

The second rule is very important otherwise WTP considers that it's not a valid CSS link (see org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.htmlcss.LinkElementAdapter#isValidAttribute :

if (!element.hasAttribute("rel") || !"stylesheet".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getAttribute("rel")))
  return false;

@gamerson hope this new feature will not break something inside Liferay IDE.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@Tony-Proum @jabby could you please retry to install and test 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.

Pay attention to have rel="stylesheet" in your link element, otherwise stylesheet cannot be retrieved.


kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr Thank you for providing a solution so quickly. I will give it a spin and will let you know the results.

jabby commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr I update with the latest version of this plugin, but I can't see the new preference. The version is : Eclipse WTP HTML-Web resources

In fact I haven't "Web Resources Section". You can see my actual project preferences wizard. 2014-11-21_214154

Did I miss something ?

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

@jabby are you updating from ?

I get an up-to-date version from the above update site:

jabby commented 9 years ago

@kaloyan-raev In fact no. I did a mistake. I use I will update and try the new preference.

jabby commented 9 years ago

I tried the new version. In fact I had some problems with my project, but because Eclipse didn't completely freeze, I saw what was the main problem of my project.

In fact, I use npm and bower to manage my dependencies. So I have 2 folders with lots of files (JS files and CSS files). I deal with JS files with tern path. For CSS the only way I found is to exclude in project settings all folders named bower_components or node_modules. So with this new configuration and the new version of the plugin, autocomplete on CSS don't freeze Eclipse.

jabby commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr Thank you for this good job :+1:

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

Many thank's @jabby for your test.

@kaloyan-raev could you retest please?

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

I provided the user who gave us the memory dump with a new build. I am waiting to hear back from him.

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr Eclipse freeze when i activate css class and id search. It may be due to the number of files opened in my workspace. it may be a good id to let user specify : where are the project's specifics css files and js libs.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

Eclipse freeze when i activate css class and id search

@Tony-Proum you have the problem again with new CSS preferences ?


By default it is unchecked and it should search only in CSS files which are decalred in the link/@href.

it may be a good id to let user specify : where are the project's specifics css files and js libs.

Yes issue was created for that

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr My user informs that it is definitely better with this fix. He will let me know if there is an issue after using it for a longer time.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

Thank's @kaloyan-raev for your feedback.

I think is there is again problem, I will implement to avoid using index manager.

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr It was better with the fix, but eclipse still very slow and after two or three hours, it freeze, I can't see where is the problem, but it seems eclipse work faster/better without wtp plugin.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

It was better with the fix, but eclipse still very slow and after two or three hours, it freeze, I can't see where is the problem, but it seems eclipse work faster/better without wtp plugin.

Ok -(

We will create a new release this week. I will try to improve it again when I will have more time.

kaloyan-raev commented 9 years ago

@Tony-Proum can you take a memory dump when it freezes?

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

@angelozerr Ok, sorry for this news, I think i will have more time to test it more deeply on 15th of December.

@kaloyan-raev ok, I need to re-install it, but will try when I have time

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

@Tony-Proum have you a problem again? Can I close this issue?

Tony-Proum commented 9 years ago

I had do a quick test, and everything seems Ok. No freeze, with the default configuration. We can close this issue @angelozerr & @kaloyan-raev sorry for the time it take, but I were not able to test it earlier.

angelozerr commented 9 years ago

Thanks @Tony-Proum for having tested. Great news.

danielsokolowski commented 8 years ago

Hello there, may I recommend to adjust the setting to always search all CSS with a suboption '- if no link element found' - both disabled initially.

Reason I am asking is that my link tags use server side functionality which resolve to proper locations when deployed but are useless when developing.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{!URLFOR($Resource.ocms_mli_pageSupport, 'css/ocms-reset+support-v2-edit-template.css')}" />