angelozerr / eclipse-wtp-xml-search

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improve resolving attr "extends" of element "toJava" #10

Closed kuozhang closed 10 years ago

kuozhang commented 10 years ago

Currently, attr extends requires the format <toJava, extends="Foo,Bar"/> strictly, I guess it is better if putting a blank space after a comma is allowed.

angelozerr commented 10 years ago

@kuozhang could you just give me a sample with toJava with your improvment. Thank's

kuozhang commented 10 years ago

Hi, @angelozerr , here is a sample we use:

"filter-class" is required to extend one of there classes: javax.portlet.filter.ResourceFilter, javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter, .... when I type in these classes, the only way it works is one must be right after comma without any spaces, tabs, it will be more convenient if those characters are allowed.

angelozerr commented 10 years ago

@kuozhang many thank's for your link and explanation.