angelozerr / tern.jsduck

Tern Plugin for ExtJS, CKEditor
MIT License
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[ExtJS] Autocompleting references and selectors string #10

Open fflorent opened 8 years ago

fflorent commented 8 years ago

Example :

Ext.define('Foo', {
  extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
  columns: [{
    text: 'Foobar',
    reference: 'myFoobarColumn',
    itemId: 'myFooId'
  tbar: [{
    xtype: 'button',
    handler: function () {
      var fromRef = this.lookupReference('myFoobarCo|'); // Completes with myFoobarColumn
      var fromId = this.up('panel').down('#myFoo|'); // Completes with myFooId
fflorent commented 8 years ago

I think we would need the property effects (not yet implemented in TernJS if we refer to Because we would need to collect the references and the ids which are set through properties.

Thoughts @angelozerr?


fflorent commented 7 years ago

ping @angelozerr BTW :)

angelozerr commented 7 years ago

@fflorent I'm really sorry, but I cannot help you more today, I'm very busy -(