angelozerr / tslint-language-service

TypeScript 2.2.1 plugin for tslint
MIT License
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Provide quick fix to open tslint.json and go at the rule #4

Open angelozerr opened 7 years ago

angelozerr commented 7 years ago

Provide quick fix to open tslint.json and go at the rule to give the capability to edit, remove the rule.

This codefix is hard to implement because:

*codefix update no content. In other words textChangesis empty.

    "description": "Open tslint.json",
    "changes": [
            "fileName": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\tslint.json",
            "textChanges": []

It causes problem with VSCode which ignores codefix when textChanges is empty.

    "description": "Edit 'quotemark' rule from tslint.json",
    "definition": {
        "file": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\tslint.json",
        "start": {
            "line": 1,
            "offset": 12
        "end": {
            "line": 1,
            "offset": 14

@egamma I have tried to explain challenges with Edit 'XXX' rule from tslint.json, please tell me if my explanation is not very good. We need to speak about this issue to TypeScript team, if you could do that, it should be very cool, thanks!

angelozerr commented 7 years ago

Today codefix from TypeScript is used to update code and not to open to another file and select a content. The only feature that I have implemented is to open tslint.json from QuickFix.

More when I try to add textchanges with position of tslint.json rule (by using jsonc-parser) the tsserver translate the give position with the ts file which is validated. TypeScript should provide perhaps CodeFix to navigate to other file?

Here my POC:

import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as tslint from 'tslint';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as Json from 'jsonc-parser';

let errorCodeMappings = {
    "quotemark": 7000,
    "no-trailing-whitespace": 7001,
    "no-var-keyword": 7002

interface AutoFix {
    label: string;
    documentVersion: number;
    problem: tslint.RuleFailure;
    // edits: TSLintAutofixEdit[];

interface Map<V> {
    [key: string]: V;

let codeFixActions: Map<Map<tslint.Fix>> = Object.create(null);

let registeredCodeFixes = false;

function computeKey(start: number, end: number): string {
    return `[${start},${end}]`;

let configFile: string = null;
let configuration: tslint.Configuration.IConfigurationFile = null;
let isTsLint4: boolean = true;

let configCache = {
    filePath: <string>null,
    configuration: <any>null,
    isDefaultConfig: false,
    configFilePath: <string>null

let linter: typeof tslint.Linter = null;
let linterConfiguration: typeof tslint.Configuration = null;

let value = tslint;
linter = value.Linter;
linterConfiguration = value.Configuration;

//isTsLint4 = isTsLintVersion4(linter);
// connection.window.showInformationMessage(isTsLint4 ? 'tslint4': 'tslint3');

if (!isTsLint4) {
    //linter = value;
/*function isTsLintVersion4(linter) {
    let version = '1.0.0';
    try {
        version = linter.VERSION;
    } catch (e) {
    return semver.satisfies(version, ">= 4.0.0 || >= 4.0.0-dev");

export function create( info: any /* ts.server.PluginCreateInfo */ ): ts.LanguageService {
    // Create the proxy
    const proxy: ts.LanguageService = Object.create( null );
    const oldLS: ts.LanguageService = info.languageService;
    for ( const k in oldLS ) {
        ( <any>proxy )[k] = function() { return ( oldLS as any )[k].apply( oldLS, arguments ); };

    function tryOperation( attempting: string, callback: () => void ) {
        try {
        } catch ( e ) {
   `Failed to ${attempting}: ${e.toString()}` );
   `Stack trace: ${e.stack}` );

    function makeDiagnostic(problem: tslint.RuleFailure, file: ts.SourceFile): ts.Diagnostic {
        let message = (problem.getRuleName() !== null)
            ? `${problem.getFailure()} (${problem.getRuleName()})`
            : `${problem.getFailure()}`;
        let diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic = {
            file: file,
            start: problem.getStartPosition().getPosition(),
            length: problem.getEndPosition().getPosition() - problem.getStartPosition().getPosition(),
            messageText: message,
            category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Warning,
            code: errorCodeMappings[problem.getRuleName()] || 6999,

        return diagnostic;

     * Filter failures for the given document
    function filterProblemsForDocument(documentPath: string, failures: tslint.RuleFailure[]): tslint.RuleFailure[] {
        let normalizedPath = path.normalize(documentPath);
        // we only show diagnostics targetting this open document, some tslint rule return diagnostics for other documents/files
        let normalizedFiles = {};
        return failures.filter(each => {
            let fileName = each.getFileName();
            if (!normalizedFiles[fileName]) {
                normalizedFiles[fileName] = path.normalize(fileName);
            return normalizedFiles[fileName] === normalizedPath;

    let tsserver = info.ts;
    if (!registeredCodeFixes && tsserver && tsserver.codefix) {        
        function registerCodeFix(action: codefix.CodeFix) {
        registeredCodeFixes = true;

    function recordCodeAction(problem: tslint.RuleFailure, file: ts.SourceFile) {
        let fix: tslint.Fix = null;

        // tslint can return a fix with an empty replacements array, these fixes are ignored
        if (problem.getFix && problem.getFix() && problem.getFix().replacements.length > 0) { // tslint fixes are not available in tslint < 3.17
            fix = problem.getFix(); // createAutoFix(problem, document, problem.getFix());

        if (!fix) {

        let documentAutoFixes: Map<tslint.Fix> = codeFixActions[file.fileName];
        if (!documentAutoFixes) {
            documentAutoFixes = Object.create(null);
            codeFixActions[file.fileName] = documentAutoFixes;
        documentAutoFixes[computeKey(problem.getStartPosition().getPosition(), problem.getEndPosition().getPosition())] = fix;

    let options: tslint.ILinterOptions = {fix: false};

    proxy.getSemanticDiagnostics = function( fileName: string ) {
        let base = oldLS.getSemanticDiagnostics( fileName );
        if ( base === undefined ) {
            base = [];

        tryOperation( 'get diagnostics', () => {
   `Computing tslint semantic diagnostics...` );
            delete codeFixActions[fileName];

            try {
                configuration = getConfiguration(fileName, configFile);
            } catch (err) {
                // this should not happen since we guard against incorrect configurations
                // showConfigurationFailure(conn, err);
                return base;

            let result: tslint.LintResult;
            try { // protect against tslint crashes
                if (isTsLint4) {
                    let tslint = new linter(options, oldLS.getProgram());
                    tslint.lint(fileName, "", configuration);
                    result = tslint.getResult();
                // support for linting js files is only available in tslint > 4.0
                /*else if (!isJsDocument(document)) {
                    (<any>options).configuration = configuration;
                    let tslint = new (<any>linter)(fsPath, contents, options);
                    result = tslint.lint();
                } else {
                    return diagnostics;
            } catch (err) {
//      , document));
//                connection.sendNotification(StatusNotification.type, { state: Status.error });
//                return diagnostics;
                return base;

            if (result.failureCount > 0) {
                const ours = filterProblemsForDocument(fileName, result.failures);
                if ( ours && ours.length ) {
                  const file = oldLS.getProgram().getSourceFile( fileName );
                  base.push.apply( base, d => makeDiagnostic( d, file ) ) );
                  ours.forEach(problem => {
                      recordCodeAction(problem, file);

        return base;


    proxy.getCodeFixesAtPosition = function( fileName: string, start: number, end: number, errorCodes: number[] ): ts.CodeAction[] {
        let base = oldLS.getCodeFixesAtPosition( fileName, start, end, errorCodes );
        if ( base === undefined ) {
            base = [];
        let documentFixes = codeFixActions[fileName];
        if (documentFixes) {
            let fix = documentFixes[computeKey(start, end)];
            if (fix && fix.replacements) {

                let json: Json.Node = null;
                if (configCache.configFilePath) {
                    const text = fs.readFileSync(configCache.configFilePath).toString();
                    json = Json.parseTree(text);
                // Add tslint replacements codefix
                const textChanges = => convertReplacementToTextChange(each));
                    description: `Fix '${fix.ruleName}'`,
                    changes: [{
                        fileName: fileName,
                        textChanges: textChanges
                // Add disable tslint rule codefix

                // Add "Go to rule definition" tslint.json codefix
                if (json) {
                    let ruleNode: Json.Node = Json.findNodeAtLocation(json, ['rules',`${fix.ruleName}`])
                    if (ruleNode && ruleNode.parent) {
                        ruleNode = ruleNode.parent;
                        let changes: ts.TextChange[] = [{newText: "", XXXXXXXX: "dddddddddddddd",
                                                        span: {start: ruleNode.offset, length: ruleNode.length}}];
                            description: `Go to rule definition '${fix.ruleName}'`,
                            changes: [{
                                fileName: configCache.configFilePath,
                                textChanges: changes
        return base;

    return proxy;

function convertReplacementToTextChange(repl: tslint.Replacement): ts.TextChange {
    return {
        newText: repl.text,
        span: {start: repl.start, length: repl.length}

function getConfiguration(filePath: string, configFileName: string): any {
    if (configCache.configuration && configCache.filePath === filePath) {
        return configCache.configuration;

    let isDefaultConfig = false;
    let configuration;
    let configFilePath = null;
    if (isTsLint4) {
        if (linterConfiguration.findConfigurationPath) {
            isDefaultConfig = linterConfiguration.findConfigurationPath(configFileName, filePath) === undefined;
        let configurationResult = linterConfiguration.findConfiguration(configFileName, filePath);

        // between tslint 4.0.1 and tslint 4.0.2 the attribute 'error' has been removed from IConfigurationLoadResult
        // in 4.0.2 findConfiguration throws an exception as in version ^3.0.0
        if ((<any>configurationResult).error) {
            throw (<any>configurationResult).error;
        configuration = configurationResult.results;
        configFilePath = configurationResult.path;
    } else {
        // prior to tslint 4.0 the findconfiguration functions where attached to the linter function
        if (linter.findConfigurationPath) {
            isDefaultConfig = linter.findConfigurationPath(configFileName, filePath) === undefined;
        configuration = linter.findConfiguration(configFileName, filePath);
        configFilePath = configuration.path;

    configCache = {
        filePath: filePath,
        isDefaultConfig: isDefaultConfig,
        configuration: configuration,
        configFilePath : configFilePath
    return configCache.configuration;

function registerCodeFixes(registerCodeFix: (action: codefix.CodeFix) => void) {

    // Code fix for "quotemark"    
        errorCodes: [errorCodeMappings["quotemark"]],
        getCodeActions: (context: codefix.CodeFixContext) => {
            const sourceFile = context.sourceFile;
            const start = context.span.start;
            const length = context.span.length;
            const token = utils.getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, start);

            const text = token.getText(sourceFile);
            const wrongQuote = text[0];
            const fixedQuote = wrongQuote === "'" ? "\"" : "'";
            const newText = `${fixedQuote}${text.substring(1, text.length - 1)}${fixedQuote}`;

            const result = [{
                description: `Change to ${newText}`,
                changes: [{
                    fileName: sourceFile.fileName,
                    textChanges: [{ newText: newText , span: { start: start, length: length } }]
            return result;

    // Code fix for "no-trailing-whitespace"
        errorCodes: [errorCodeMappings["no-trailing-whitespace"]],
        getCodeActions: (context: codefix.CodeFixContext) => {
            const sourceFile = context.sourceFile;
            const start = context.span.start;
            const length = context.span.length;
            const result = [{
                description: `Remove whitespaces.`,
                changes: [{
                    fileName: sourceFile.fileName,
                    textChanges: [{ newText: "" , span: { start: start, length: length } }]
            return result;

    // Code fix for "no-var-keyword"
        errorCodes: [errorCodeMappings["no-var-keyword"]],
        getCodeActions: (context: codefix.CodeFixContext) => {
            const sourceFile = context.sourceFile;
            const start = context.span.start;
            const length = context.span.length;
            const result = [{
                description: `Replace with 'let'.`,
                changes: [{
                    fileName: sourceFile.fileName,
                    textChanges: [{ newText: "let" , span: { start: start, length: length } }]
                description: `Replace with 'const'.`,
                changes: [{
                    fileName: sourceFile.fileName,
                    textChanges: [{ newText: "const" , span: { start: start, length: length } }]
            return result;

    // Code fix for other tslint fixes
        errorCodes: [6999],
        getCodeActions: (context: codefix.CodeFixContext) => {
            return null;


/* @internal */
namespace codefix {

    export interface CodeFix {
        errorCodes: number[];
        getCodeActions( context: CodeFixContext ): ts.CodeAction[] | undefined;

    export interface CodeFixContext {
        errorCode: number;
        sourceFile: ts.SourceFile;
        span: ts.TextSpan;
        program: ts.Program;
        newLineCharacter: string;
        host: ts.LanguageServiceHost;
        cancellationToken: ts.CancellationToken;

/* @internal */
namespace utils {

    /** Returns a token if position is in [start-of-leading-trivia, end) */
    export function getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, position: number, includeJsDocComment = false): ts.Node {
        return getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile, position, /*allowPositionInLeadingTrivia*/ true, /*includeItemAtEndPosition*/ undefined, includeJsDocComment);

    /** Get the token whose text contains the position */
    function getTokenAtPositionWorker(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, position: number, allowPositionInLeadingTrivia: boolean, includeItemAtEndPosition: (n: ts.Node) => boolean, includeJsDocComment = false): ts.Node {
        let current: ts.Node = sourceFile;
        outer: while (true) {
            if (isToken(current)) {
                // exit early
                return current;

            /*if (includeJsDocComment) {
                const jsDocChildren = ts.filter(current.getChildren(), isJSDocNode);
                for (const jsDocChild of jsDocChildren) {
                    const start = allowPositionInLeadingTrivia ? jsDocChild.getFullStart() : jsDocChild.getStart(sourceFile, includeJsDocComment);
                    if (start <= position) {
                        const end = jsDocChild.getEnd();
                        if (position < end || (position === end && jsDocChild.kind === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken)) {
                            current = jsDocChild;
                            continue outer;
                        else if (includeItemAtEndPosition && end === position) {
                            const previousToken = findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile, jsDocChild);
                            if (previousToken && includeItemAtEndPosition(previousToken)) {
                                return previousToken;

            // find the child that contains 'position'
            for (const child of current.getChildren()) {
                // all jsDocComment nodes were already visited
                if (isJSDocNode(child)) {
                const start = allowPositionInLeadingTrivia ? child.getFullStart() : child.getStart(sourceFile, includeJsDocComment);
                if (start <= position) {
                    const end = child.getEnd();
                    if (position < end || (position === end && child.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken)) {
                        current = child;
                        continue outer;
                    else if (includeItemAtEndPosition && end === position) {
                        const previousToken = findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile, child);
                        if (previousToken && includeItemAtEndPosition(previousToken)) {
                            return previousToken;

            return current;

    export function findPrecedingToken(position: number, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, startNode?: ts.Node): ts.Node {
        return find(startNode || sourceFile);

        function findRightmostToken(n: ts.Node): ts.Node {
            if (isToken(n)) {
                return n;

            const children = n.getChildren();
            const candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, /*exclusiveStartPosition*/ children.length);
            return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate);


        function find(n: ts.Node): ts.Node {
            if (isToken(n)) {
                return n;

            const children = n.getChildren();
            for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                const child = children[i];
                // condition 'position < child.end' checks if child node end after the position
                // in the example below this condition will be false for 'aaaa' and 'bbbb' and true for 'ccc'
                // aaaa___bbbb___$__ccc
                // after we found child node with end after the position we check if start of the node is after the position.
                // if yes - then position is in the trivia and we need to look into the previous child to find the token in question.
                // if no - position is in the node itself so we should recurse in it.
                // NOTE: JsxText is a weird kind of node that can contain only whitespaces (since they are not counted as trivia).
                // if this is the case - then we should assume that token in question is located in previous child.
                if (position < child.end && (nodeHasTokens(child) || child.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.JsxText)) {
                    const start = child.getStart(sourceFile);
                    const lookInPreviousChild =
                        (start >= position) || // cursor in the leading trivia
                        (child.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.JsxText && start === child.end); // whitespace only JsxText

                    if (lookInPreviousChild) {
                        // actual start of the node is past the position - previous token should be at the end of previous child
                        const candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, /*exclusiveStartPosition*/ i);
                        return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate);
                    else {
                        // candidate should be in this node
                        return find(child);

            // Debug.assert(startNode !== undefined || n.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile);

            // Here we know that none of child token nodes embrace the position,
            // the only known case is when position is at the end of the file.
            // Try to find the rightmost token in the file without filtering.
            // Namely we are skipping the check: 'position < node.end'
            if (children.length) {
                const candidate = findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children, /*exclusiveStartPosition*/ children.length);
                return candidate && findRightmostToken(candidate);

        /// finds last node that is considered as candidate for search (isCandidate(node) === true) starting from 'exclusiveStartPosition'
        function findRightmostChildNodeWithTokens(children: ts.Node[], exclusiveStartPosition: number): ts.Node {
            for (let i = exclusiveStartPosition - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (nodeHasTokens(children[i])) {
                    return children[i];

    function nodeHasTokens(n: ts.Node): boolean {
        // If we have a token or node that has a non-zero width, it must have tokens.
        // Note, that getWidth() does not take trivia into account.
        return n.getWidth() !== 0;

    export function isToken(n: ts.Node): boolean {
        return n.kind >= ts.SyntaxKind.FirstToken && n.kind <= ts.SyntaxKind.LastToken;

    export function isJSDocNode(node: ts.Node) {
        return node.kind >= ts.SyntaxKind.FirstJSDocNode && node.kind <= ts.SyntaxKind.LastJSDocNode;