angristan / docker-pleroma

Docker image for the Pleroma federated social network
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The `mix ecto.migrate` command hangs #46

Open igajsin opened 2 years ago

igajsin commented 2 years ago

Hi. I'm trying to follow the instruction from readme, but I face an issue on the step:

docker-compose run --rm web mix ecto.migrate

it runs, it creates tables in the postgres db, but it hangs and doesn't stop. See the logs attached. What can I do about that?


GitPuffy commented 2 years ago

Along the same lines, when I run the command to setup the database (first time, brand new installation) the setup seems to be looping. I am receiving the following messages but it never seems to finish. Suggestions on what may be wrong?

01:31:52.601 request_id=Ft7edh_LINEEDXIAABFi [info] Sent 200 in 17ms

01:32:22.769 [info] GET /

01:32:22.780 request_id=Ft7efSb3wzDowJIAAAmh [info] Sent 200 in 11ms

01:32:52.885 [info] GET /

01:32:52.896 request_id=Ft7ehCoE9avnUgoAAAnB [info] Sent 200 in 10ms

01:33:23.040 [info] GET /

01:33:23.054 request_id=Ft7eiy9skYsZgvAAABGC [info] Sent 200 in 13ms
felix-two-tone commented 2 years ago

I believe that this command is no long needed for setup as per #50

_Originally posted by @peterrus in

As for the hang on the database setup I believe once it runs you can just Ctrl+C out of that and continue with the rest of the setup.