{CentOS-7-x64-minimal +headless VPS} I disabled the IPv6 for security and privacy and the WireGuard stopped functioning, uninstall and reinstalled, but WireGuard not working unless I turn IPv6 On, please help?? #198
Wireguard was working until I decided to turn off the IPv6 for security and privacy reasons, as I have done the below:
In the file '/etc/sysctl.conf' I added te below:
OS: CenOS-7-x65-minimal +headless Applications installed on OS: WireGuard, OpenVPN, QBitTorrent(headless), CSF
Wireguard was working until I decided to turn off the IPv6 for security and privacy reasons, as I have done the below: In the file '/etc/sysctl.conf' I added te below:
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
Then I restarted the IPv6 service. And I restarted the VPS. The WireGuard stopped functioning with the error below: https://prnt.sc/10apov9
Only WireGuard is not working with IPv6 disabled.
Tnx and best of luck