Open RaneeshTK opened 1 year ago
Same problem here i believe is because of this line on the chunk import { createRequire as __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_createRequire } from "module";
Well, I looked into it, and the problem is probably between this specific package and webpack.
It was fixed in version 8 of the signal r package, this version is still in preview 8.0.0-rc.1.23421.29
@luizluan What was fixed in version 8 of the SignalR package? Do you have some more information about this?
Ran into this exact issue, upgrading @microsoft/signalr to 8.0.0 helped.
main.ts:2 ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk src_bootstrap_ts failed. (missing: http://localhost:4250/src_bootstrap_ts.js) at webpack_require.f.j (main.js:508:28) at ensure chunk:6:1 at Array.reduce ()
at webpack_require.e (ensure chunk:5:1)
at 4913 (main.ts:1:1)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:19:1)
at main.js:576:88
at webpack_require.O (chunk loaded:23:1)
at main.js:577:52
const mf = require("@angular-architects/module-federation/webpack"); const path = require("path"); const share = mf.share;
const sharedMappings = new mf.SharedMappings(); sharedMappings.register( path.join(__dirname, 'tsconfig.json'), [/ mapped paths to share /]);
module.exports = { output: { uniqueName: "testModuleFrederation", publicPath: "auto" }, optimization: { runtimeChunk: false },
resolve: { alias: { ...sharedMappings.getAliases(), } }, experiments: { outputModule: true }, plugins: [ new ModuleFederationPlugin({ library: { type: "module" },
], };