angular-architects / module-federation-plugin

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Native Federation in angular 17 #532

Open rtorricov94 opened 1 month ago

rtorricov94 commented 1 month ago

I'm working on a project in Angular 17 which will use the micro frontend concept, and we've decided to work with Native Federation. I followed the official website's manual, and everything works correctly, but I'm encountering an error in the terminal. Can someone help me? I detail my code as follows: project shell: //federation.manifest.json { "mfe1": "http://localhost:4201/remoteEntry.json" }

//main.ts ` import { initFederation } from '@angular-architects/native-federation';

initFederation('/assets/federation.manifest.json') .catch(err => console.error(err)) .then(_ => import('./bootstrap')) .catch(err => console.error(err)); `

//app.routes.ts ` import { Routes } from '@angular/router'; import { FormExampleComponent } from './main/components/form-example/form-example.component'; import { loadRemoteModule } from '@angular-architects/native-federation';

export const routes: Routes = [ {path: '', component: FormExampleComponent}, { path: 'flights', loadComponent: () => loadRemoteModule('mfe1', './Component').then((m) => m.RequestGuarenteeComponent), }

] ; `

mfe1: //federation.config.js ` const { withNativeFederation, shareAll } = require('@angular-architects/native-federation/config');

module.exports = withNativeFederation({

name: 'mfe1',

exposes: { './Component': './src/app/main/guarentee-plataform/request-guarentee/request-guarentee.component.ts', },

shared: { ...shareAll({ singleton: true, strictVersion: true, requiredVersion: 'auto' }), }, skip: [ 'rxjs/ajax', 'rxjs/fetch', 'rxjs/testing', 'rxjs/webSocket', // Add further packages you don't need at runtime ]
}); and I encounter this error in the terminal, even though it works correctly and doesn't generate any errors in the browser: ERROR Error: unknown remote mfe1 at eval (f:/RodrigoTV/project/MicorFrontEnd-beco/main-shell/shellbeco/node_modules/@softarc/native-federation-runtime/fesm2022/softarc-native-federation-runtime.mjs:156:15) at () `

z3v0k commented 1 month ago

idem error

nicdenny commented 1 month ago

Would be possible to share this in a repo to have a look at it? It might be there's maybe something wrong with the setup of the mfe project.

rtorricov94 commented 1 month ago

Here I share with you the repository for the shellbeco and mfe1 projects: