angular-architects / ngrx-toolkit

Various Extensions for the NgRx Signal Store
MIT License
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RFC: Simplified reducer method #5

Open rainerhahnekamp opened 6 months ago

rainerhahnekamp commented 6 months ago

The on method can accept the patched state as return type of the reducer function.

At the moment, it goes like this:

reducer(actions, on) {
  on(actions.flightsLoaded, (state, {flights}) => patchState(state, {flights})));

The new version could look like this:

reducer(actions, on) {
  on(actions.flightsLoaded, (, {flights}) => ({flights}))

Or if the state doesn't require the payload:

reducer(actions, on) {
  on(actions.resetSearch, {flights: []}) 
rosostolato commented 6 months ago

This would work with the proposal of

It could allow you to use the same createReducer from @ngrx/store. Just like this approach:

rainerhahnekamp commented 6 months ago

So #8 is about adding a dependency to @ngrx/store. This is here is about the native version which only requires the Signal Store as dependency.