angular-architects / nx-ddd-plugin

Nx plugin for structuring a monorepo with domains and layers
313 stars 56 forks source link

[Bug] fix "Dasherized" feature generated with directory specified #46

Open benpsnyder opened 3 years ago

benpsnyder commented 3 years ago
nx generate @angular-architects/ddd:domain --directory='' --addApp --appDirectory='domain' --ngrx --no-interactive --name='core' 

nx generate @angular-architects/ddd:feature --domain=core --app='core' --appDirectory='domain' --domainDirectory='' --lazy --ngrx --no-prefix --no-interactive --directory='cdm' --name='account' --entity='account'


Change import { CdmAccountComponent } from './cdm-account.component'; to import { CdmAccountComponent } from './account.component';

benpsnyder commented 3 years ago

Change from

├── +state
│   └── cdm-account
│       ├── cdm-account.actions.ts
│       ├── cdm-account.effects.ts
│       ├── cdm-account.reducer.ts
│       └── cdm-account.selectors.ts
├── application
│   └── account.facade.ts
├── core-domain.module.ts
├── entities
│   └── cdm-account.ts
└── infrastructure


├── +state
│   └── cdm-account
│       ├── account.actions.ts
│       ├── account.effects.ts
│       ├── account.reducer.ts
│       └── account.selectors.ts
├── application
│   └── cdm-account.facade.ts
├── core-domain.module.ts
├── entities
│   └── cdm-account.ts
└── infrastructure