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property binding to web component doesn't work as expected #153

Open PatrickSys opened 8 months ago

PatrickSys commented 8 months ago

Might be related to #50 and #54

Hello, I am consuming web components (built using @angular/elements) on my SPA the following way as stated in the docs and examples: <ax-lazy-element *axLazyElementDynamic=" 'tag''; url: ''; module: false; " [language]="language" [configuration]=configuration

The problem I am having is that the first onChanges and the inputs are actually bound after the ngOnInit, so on the ngOnInit none of the inputs are available. I have done a workaround through this by doing a setTimeout on the ngOnInit and executing all stuff inside it but that is kind of ugly.

If loading the web component the "static way" then the sequence is as expected: input bound -> onChanges -> onInit: <my-web-comp [language]="language" [configuration]="configuration"

(bundle is load through code)

The only thing that has worked so far is passing the inputs as attributes, e.g: configuration='configuration' then the web component follows the expected sequence again: input bound -> onChanges ->onInit, however the value received is a string, not the variable. Doing configuration={{configuration}} will bind the inputs late as well, and the value will be '[object] [object]' which is even worse. I have also tried binding the props as attributes: [attr.configuration]=configuration, which will also bind the inputs after the onInit.

One thing that might be related, is that the angular language service complains about that the inputs are not known: Property configuration is not provided by any applicable directives nor by ax-lazy-element element, but I have followed the docs and I cannot find any mistake by my side.

Is there any known workaround, or fix I could do from the shell app? Thanks