angular-redux / ng-redux

Angular bindings for Redux
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How to use multiple Actions in single $ngRedux.connect()? #202

Closed jisuo closed 6 years ago

jisuo commented 6 years ago

So lets say I have this:

export default class HomeController {
  constructor($ngRedux) {

    this.todo = '';
    this.unsubscribe = $ngRedux.connect(this.mapStateToThis, TodoActions)(this);

    this.todo = '';


  mapStateToThis(state) {
      return {
          todos: state.todos

And now I also want to connect my ReminderActions in the same Controller.

How do I do that without duplicating code like:

this.unsubscribe2 = $ngRedux.connect(this.mapStateToThis2, ReminderActions)(this);

jisuo commented 6 years ago

I figured it out, this works:

import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';


const actions = dispatch => ({
   todoActions: bindActionCreators(TodoActions, dispatch),
   reminderActions: bindActionCreators(ReminderActions, dispatch),
this.unsubscribe = $ngRedux.connect(this.mapState, actions)(this);

