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Allow mapDispatchToTarget to be an ES6 module #217

Closed joelmertanen closed 5 years ago

joelmertanen commented 5 years ago

Allow connect to consume an ES6 module as the second parameter.

Motivation: ES6 modules are more and more common in web development, and, from what I know, there are no reasons to not allow using them here. This patch is required for one of our internal projects to enable us to use the newest Webpack, so I hope that it will be found useful.

Questions: Is the test enough to emulate the behaviour of an ES6 module in the NodeJS environment?

villesau commented 5 years ago

This is pretty cool, with this branch we were able to upgrade to webpack 4. I hope to get this merged so that we get rid of the fork.

AntJanus commented 5 years ago

@villesau would you like to become a contributor/have access to the repo? Your branch from a few days ago was a big deal and if you understand what's going on here, I'd be happy to give you the ability to merge stuff in.

villesau commented 5 years ago

@AntJanus sure, why not! I think I have fairly good understanding on what's going on in the repository since we've been going back and forth with a fork quite a long time now. This looks like easy going repository so I don't think it will take that much of my time.
